
Our CR Summer Sale!!

We were busy today! Not sure why, but not complaining. Tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday, Country Roads is having a big ole Summer sale! So I tried to take a bunch of pictures as quickly as I could because we were busy, just to give you a preview of what is at "the store" right now! With that said, take a look.

Are you one of those that are REALLY into Halloween? See the pictures above? Well, I just wanted to let you know that the dealer that has all this great Halloween stuff is having 25% off this week-end. You heard me right. There really are some great sales, and my hopes are you will come down and see us.

And these awesome Halloween dolls that make Chuckie look like your new BFF? They are the creation of our own, very talented Lori Gutierrez! Believe me, they are truly amazing. I'm pretty sure these are sold, but maybe we can convince Lori to make some more!

I've learned a lot of things this week about myself. It was just an insightful kind of week, so to speak! One of the things I learned was that damn, I can grow watermelons!! Of course when I told Justine, Bryce's wife to come look at my "pumpkins", she pointed out they really looked more like watermelons. I forgot they were growing under the big pumpkin vine!! So, with all that said, I hope I've given you enough peeks inside of Country Roads to convince you all to stop on by the week-end and not miss this wonderful sale we are hosting! And sadly I ran out of time to even get out and take some pictures in the garden.
Happy Summer to you all!!


  1. The store looks amazing Sue what a wonderful family we have at Country Roads!!!! I know this weekend sale will be such a busy time for the store. Have a great day tomorrow and see you there


  2. I hope your weekend sale is a hit! I love, love, love those stitched up dolls! They are great!

  3. Sue, you are going to have some great watermelons. I just love looking at whats around your store - can't wait until I can see it in person again! Ann


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