
My Busy Thursday!

The above picture was taken by Riley! She loves to "borrow" my camera and take pictures. I always find it interesting what she chooses to take pictures of. It was a full Thursday for me, but I enjoyed every minute of it! Especially when I have time with my little ones!

Riley is growing up too quickly. She will be five in August and starts kindergarten in the Fall.


Then there is Bodhi! All boy, that's my boy Bo! He will be a year old on Saturday. I'm not sure how that happened. Time passes so quickly.  Morgan wasn't home today to join us. Riley missed her!

After the kids left, I had some time in my garden. Everything is blooming!

Even the succulents are blooming!

My pumpkin vine is doing really well. At least this one is in a container!

This pumpkin vine that I planted several seeds in the ground is taking on a life of its own!!

Roses blooming, looking down on my old mermaid that was a gift from Monica.

All the tomato vines are starting to have little green tomatoes! I know, an old watering can isn't the best kind of stake for a tomato plant but I liked the way it looked.

My sunflowers are growing tall and reaching for the sun, I love 'em!

And my sweet peas came back this year. I've missed them.

Seems like I have lots of pink and lavender in my garden this year.

I love that old house with my old cement cat in it. There are somethings that we all have and every once and awhile we realize just how much we love them!

I have some birdhouses by my front porch. And the birds actually make nests in them all the time. I was really lucky to get a picture of the baby birds taking a little walk and trying out their wings!

And after the little birds were done with their walk, they went back to their birdhouse.


And Buddy? I bought him a toy and a bed of his own at Target. And I have to say one thing. Buddy is one happy dog these days. And he gets lots & lots of exercise by swimming in the pool quite often. I hope you all have a great week-end, and find some time to stop by and see us at Country Roads! The store is lookin' especially good right now! Take care.


  1. It looks like Buddy is having a swell time on 'his' lounge, I hope cabana Sally isn't too unhappy about that? Scoop will soon have a brother and our house one be one pet richer!! Have a great weekend.

  2. Sue, your garden is beautiful - I love your sunflowers! Riley has learned her photography technique from her grandma - that's apparent. Baby Bo isn't a baby anymore! Buddy looks like one happy dog to me. Have a great weekend. Ann

  3. Beautiful Sue! Love to see your home one of these day!
    The grand kids are precious too and growing so fast!

  4. If Buddy is living a "dog's life", I only have one question. Where do I sign up?

  5. Please wish Bodhi a Happy Birthday for me, wow the time flies........your garden is looking so lovely, I like how you used a watering can as a stake, very clever! It looks like you're going to have lot's of pumpkins for your grand kids. Your bedroom is always so cool looking, that Riley sure is a great photographer! And Buddy is looking happy and loved with his new bed and toy. Take care, Mary :O)

  6. My goodness, Riley is quite a fabulous photographer! It is amazing how much you and Riley look alike! Your garden is wonderful. I especially like that it's a free-spirit garden. Isn't it fun to see what pops up from year to year!?! And who is sprouting up...Bohdi, that's who! I can't believe he's already a year old. And I love the story of how Buddy adopted you...my animals all adopted me too.
    Maybe I'll see you at CR tomorrow, I hope.

  7. Sorry for my type-o...I meant Bodhi! I reversed letters by mistake. But I still can't believe he's a year old!!!


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