
A Day Off

Yes, after five or so days at Country Roads, I'm off today. We had a great week-end, but as you know, there is always something going on at Country Roads or in Old Towne Orange. On Saturday I happened to glance out the window and saw the above picture. I don't know who is getting the ticket. Is it the driver, the horse, the truck, or all three? And the horse was wearing nothing but two "for sale" signs!  As I said, only in Old Towne Orange do we just glance up and see some unusual sights! One of the reasons we love it down here! Debbie Watts just moved in, and although she has only just begun setting up her space, it is already coming together!

I know there are more good things to come and I'm excited to see the finished product! Shawn and Jennnie were in yesterday also. If you haven't been in lately to see what they have, be sure to make a trip down. They have such great merchandise. That alone is really good, but their prices? They are so reasonable for what they have. Take a look at some of what just came in.

After work on Saturday night, we headed over to the park. It was Azul's 4th birthday. When you go visit little babies, such as I did with Azul, when he was first born, you always wonder, "where did the time go"?

Is this the cutest picture ever? Azul's sister, Arianna is on the left, and his cousin, Josalyn is on his right! Family, that is what its all about. Yesterday, we were "slammed" and a bit tired from celebrating Azul's birthday the night before. And a special "thank you" to our Japanese customers that stopped by for a little "shopping". A special thanks for the help they also provided to help get some things off the wall, cupboards on dollies, and more. Thank you, we are grateful for your business! And one last thing I thought I would mention.  This coming week-end, Country Roads is hosting a big "Summer Sale"! I'm hoping you stop by and take advantage of some great stuff at good prices! Take care. 


  1. How I wish I could! Love the new booth and love the name "Azul" what a good looking young man! Enjoy your day off Sue. Ann

  2. Wow, that tall lady statue was originally a lamp. I know, because I have the same identical one in my living room! I've never seen another before or since I purchased it many years ago at a thrift store. It looks surreal to me to see it at Country Roads, like my lamp came to life and walked over there, hehe! Take care, Mary :O)

  3. Oh my gosh Sue...I'm so excited to be part of your Country Roads family! Thank you so much for the intro...hoping to be finished before you get back...LOL!! Also hoping that the fabulous pink cabinet is still there tomorrow!
    Hope you get a rest day!


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