
A Place in the Garden

Last year at this time, I had been working so much that I kind of let my garden go! This year, I decided to get back to my place in the garden. One of the first steps was to let the "mow & blow" gardener go and get a new one that new about gardening. You know how I always have a story, here's a quick one about the "new" gardener. Katie and her family bought my folks homes, the one I grew up in, after my they passed away. She remembered that my Dad had always wanted to have the gardener that did the yards across the street. He was to stubborn to hire a gardener. This gardener is now Katie's gardener, and just recently he became mine! He does an awesome job and has helped me get my garden back in shape so that I once again can enjoy it! 
 Above by the white petunia you can see that my pumpkin seeds are starting to grow. I listened to Brande and soaked them first and have them in the flower beds as well. I love when the small pumpkins finally appear and I'm able to write my grandbabies names on them. As the pumpkins grow, so do their names! I've also got some seeds planted in different spots in my garden and am anxious to see if I can get them to grow as well this year! Below is a red rose that is called the "Mary Lou Heard" rose. As many of you know that live out here, the rose was named after this wonderful gardener that owned Heards Gardens. Sadly she passed away much to soon from cancer a few years ago. What an honor to a gardener than to have a rose named after you! Here are some more pixs of what is blooming in my little garden.

I'm so happy that not only is Country Roads a great place to shop, but that we also have our own little place in the garden out back. If you have some free time this week-end, stop by and see us, and then step out our back doors to our own Johnnye Merle Gardens & Nursery, named after my Mom. It is looking pretty good too and is filled with some unique and different plants that are just waiting to go home with you, including Annie's Annuals! Hope to see you over the week-end. Take care.


  1. Wow, Sue, such beauty in your garden. I need to do the same - hire someone who really knows about gardening as I love the beauty but don't have the knowledge (or the time!)

    I love roses, and grew up helping my dad with his 27 rose bushes we had around our house. i drove by the old house a year ago and the new owners had ripped out the seven rose bushes in the front of the house and replaced them with boring bushes. I was so sad!!

    Anyway, your garden is gorgeous. Love the idea of growing pumpkins with your grandbabies names. So sweet!!!

  2. Your Garden is absolutely lovely! Looks like all of your plants are happy and thriving... reminding us to bloom where we're planted!

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  3. Your garden is looking so beautiful! I love the roses and hollyhocks and the white one that looks like Queen Annes Lace? What a cute idea to put your grand kids names on the pumpkins! I'm sure they're going to love them. Have a great weekend, Mary :O)

  4. What a great garden, looks like a great place to unwind : ) I adore roses and your hollyhocks are to die for!!


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