
What Makes Me Smile on Mother's Day

In my life, it is the simple things that make me happy. A stranger holding open a door, someone practicing random acts of kindness to help another, that kind of stuff.  This is how I was brought up. In the picture above is my Mom, with me and my Dad and her very first Mother's day! There are times I really miss her. Think she has been gone over four years now. She was quiet, didn't share much, but I always knew she loved me.

These are "MY" three kids that give me the honor of being called Mom! We are a close bunch, me and my kids. We have our share of disagreements but at the end of the day they are all forgotten. My kids have filled my heart with more love than I even know how to express it into words. I am a Mom that is grateful to be a part of their everyday lives. I know there are many of that don't have that. So, please know that my heart is filled with pride and gratitude and love when it comes to my kids!

And then, my life became even fuller when I became a Gramma!  On this Mother's Day, I have three little grandbabies to celebrate with. When my own kids were small, I thought I could never know more of a "love" than what I had with them. I found out a few years ago I was wrong. The smiles I see on Bodhi, Morgan, and Riley's little faces above have given me more than I could have ever dreamed of or even begin to put into words!

Above is my "RuFie". Actually her name is Ruthie, but early on Riley started calling her "RuFie" and it kind of stuck. Ruthie isn't really a Mom to me, but she has filled a role that I never had with my own Mom. You see, my Mom had it kind of tough growing up and she wasn't able to really share a lot or reach out in way that most Mom's do. I understood, it was what it was. My Ruthie though is like my bestfriend. She was such a huge part of Country Roads for so many years. She moved back to Florida a few years ago, and I can't tell you how much I miss her. But without a doubt, through emails, my "RuFie" is ALWAYS there for me, with love, care and advice. She listens, she understands and I love her with all my heart for that!

And lastly, some of you are familiar with the loss of one of my customers, Faith Sieber, who was sadly murdered by her husband at the end of February this year. Even today I struggle with my own wounds to heal from the tragedy of it all and I'm not her family. Today I think of her Mom, Mary Lou. Yesterday at "the store" Faith's sister Cindy, and her Mom came in. It was pretty emotional, more for Cindy I think. Faith's Mom looked at Cindy, and calmly told her, "time will make it better, just give it time". I hugged them both as they left  as we all fought the tears. Life can be SO short and today I hope if you still have your Mom, put aside any differences you may have. Let her know you appreciate her! You never know what the future holds, make each day matter, make it count. And for those of us that have lost our Mom's, let's remember the good times and the many ways our "Mom's" would make us smile!
Happy Mother's Day to you all! Take care. 


  1. Let's try this again, My comment to you disappeared ~ Happy Mother's Day to You.... I'm with You about the Gramma part, How could we possibly Love even More~ God sure is Great in that department~ Motherhood is sure Fabulous, But Me being a Bubbie is Truly Over the Moon!

  2. Happy Mothers Day Sue!!
    This is a lovely post for the day that I totally relate to.
    For my mother is the same as you described yours.
    My mother suffered from a alcoholic father and a verbally abusive husband.
    She never learned to show affection to us kids but we know it is there deep down.
    I believe this is why I always befriend older ladies that show a warm heart and spirit.
    I hope your day is full of love and happiness.

  3. Happy Mother's Day to you. Your blessings are great. I love your post and not every Mother can show us the love we may need. sandi

  4. Love you, Sue, and Happy Mother's Day! I am sure your Mom would be SO PROUD of your life now. You have raised three amazing children and are nurturing three precious grandchildren! Your life is truly blessed when you make your Mama proud!

  5. Sue,
    This is a good thoughtful post, with lots to reflect on.
    Such sweet children, and grandchildren.
    And such a nice picture of you and your parents!
    I'm a few days late, but send you Mother's Day wishes just the same.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!