
A Few of My Favorite Little People!

Nothing in my life means more to me than these three little grandbabies of mine. I had them all day yesterday. Yes, there were moments I wondered why because it can get a bit  crazy at my house. But then if you step back and look at the bigger picture, you totally understand what that insanity means. They are my little grandbabies. Discovering new things each and every day. And those few moments you might want to scream quickly pass when you get a hug or you hear, "I love you Gramma"! I didn't want to bore you with lots and lots of pictures,  so here are just a few. Morgan, below, has been studying my decorating books lately!

"Few things are more delightful with grandchildren fighting over you lap"  Doug Larso


  1. too stinkin' cute
    I love Morgan's paci's
    Brooklyn never seems to have a pic without on in either...lol
    Take care Sue

  2. oh,these are adorable!
    crazy..yes!! my 3(7 yo,6yo and almost 3yo)live with us...they can make me crazy and insane..but when i look at their little sleeping faces...!!!!
    ..or get a sticky kiss or hug....!!!!

  3. They are just precious... yes, being a Grandparent and Great-Grandparent has been one of the greater Blessings of my Life... living long enough to enjoy future generations. The craziness and insanity can be taxing at our Season of Life... but oh so worth it!

    So, we have a Decorating Diva in the making do we? *winks* My Grand-Daughter is 'into' making Couture Hats out of Paper... she would like Gramma to wear one to Church *Winks*... Why not...

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  4. Such little sweeties! I love the pacifier! lol

  5. Yipeeee! My grandbaby fix!
    Thanks again for sharing, Sue.


  6. One of the joys that comes with aging is being around to see, touch and love the grandchildren. They are the rewards in life that truly are priceless. Yours are gorgeous...of course!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!