
My Really "Big" Project!

White roses! One of my favorites, and the thing with roses, they just "grow" without any extra care. Here in sunny SoCal, we don't usually get a lot of rain. However. . .this year, it rained all the time. My garden turned into it's own private jungle. It was TOTALLY out of control. I didn't even know where to start, as my gardener, as nice as he was, was just a "mow & blow" guy!  So, I have a new gardener (thank you Katie) that actually "understands" gardening!

We kind of have a little courtyard type area by the front porch. I already had a bunch of my own stuff, and now that I've added a few grandkids to my family and their is "stuff" everywhere too!

I love old signs and adirondack chairs. Something about them that warms my heart. And yes, I decorate outside as well as inside. And now, as you can see, we've added some toys to the outdoor decor!

The reason I took a picture of this birdhouse was because each and every year, actually I think twice a year, the birds come back and build their nests in it. It is right by my front window so you can watch the little birds fly in and feed their babies. One of the simple pleasures in life I enjoy!

I also have a thing for vintage gliders and architectural stuff. And yes, you will find the outside of my house decorated with this stuff too, along with the old advertising signs I love as well.

I'm not sure "why" the birds have never built their nests inside the birdhouse in the corner? Possibly because it is too low and right next to the front door. And we are such a quiet family, not!

My parents had two of the bunnies above in their flower bed for years. When they went into assisted living before they passed away, I kept the goofy bunnies. Funny thing happened last year. The elderly neighbors across the street from Katie (her & Vinnie bought my folks house after they died) helped another elderly couple that my parents knew get their house ready to sell. Actually their daughter took them to Washington with her and left a bunch of stuff behind. I found one of the identical rabbits in their backyard. So, now I have a little remembrance of not only my folks but the couple that lived across the street from me as I grew up!

This is only one of many flower beds that the gardener ripped out for me. I asked him to save the roses and a few other plants. Now the new "planting process" is up to me. It is going to be a lot of work!

Before my "new" gardener, you  couldn't even see the front of the house. On the left there is still a big section of my garden that still needs to be ripped out. I love to use old headboards as trellis' in the garden.

I was so happy to see one of my hollyhocks come back up in front of my picket fence. I had some others, but I'm not sure they are going to come back up this year. I may have to plant some more. I LOVE hollyhocks!

There use to be a pathway to the side of the house behind this gate. My gardener is still working on this part of the yard! The gate is made from the footboard of the bed that I've used the headboard as a trellis for.

Yes, at one time there was a pathway here. This is behind the little gate above. The old metal, rusty thing in the background actually use to be utilized by the railroad. Years ago when I was married, we had bought a cabin in our local mountains in Cedar Glen. Mr. Wonderful got the cabin after we divorced, then sadly about a year later a huge fire swept through the area and burned the cabin to the ground!  Sad, it was a cool cabin, built in 1945 and we bought it from a friend of mine that loved antiques!  Anyway, Bryce had gone up there and brought the railroad sign home for me. It survived the fire pretty well. Yes, we are all too sentimental!

Of course I have to have our CR store motto at my house, somewhere. I like the way that the sign has weathered over the years!

One the side of the driveway, yes, another glider! I told you I have this "thing" for the old metal vintage gliders. Actually, what is cool about this one is that it is a "love seat" size and goes with the one pictured above. 

This old vintage fire truck above, I had completely forgotten about. Why? Because with the rain, my garden went "BSC" and it was hidden under all that plants!!

As you can tell, the lavender has yet to be cut back. It is in the "still needs attention" section of my front yard. There "use" to be a Mama cement chicken with her family there. Hopefully she is hiding under the lavender!

Back to me, and my stuff, and my sentimental side. Actually there is a "Gramma's Garden" heart stone in one of the pictures near the top. I had these made, and my kids gave them to my Mom & Dad as gifts. The hearts spent many years in their gardens. When I had to put my folks in assisted living, I did my best to find a place that would allow them to bring their two cats and have a little outdoor area. My Mom use to LOVE to garden. One of the main reasons Brande named the gardens at Country Roads after her, "Johnnye Merle's Garden & Nursery"! I've got quite a bit a work ahead before I get to the "after" pictures. But hey, at least it is a start! Happy Spring gardening to you all!


  1. Sue your garden is so precious. Love everything....if you want more hollyhock seeds I have A LOT. I have been working in the yard today while checking on the new chicks. So many weeds so little time! Have a great weekend. Ciao Rita mammabellarte

  2. I love your garden and all of the wonderful thing decorating it. I've been working on my little garden, it's still too embarassing to show pictures of. The rain made a lot of weeds this year too!

  3. Oh Sue! Your big project has turned out wonderful! I would give anything to have something growing in my yard! I have red clay soil and we are gone so much in the summer there no way to keep everything watered! One of these days I will have a garden! Actually I've been thinking about creating a rock garden! Lol! No watering there! Have a great weekend!

  4. Sue, your house and garden are a treasure trove! For adults and for your lucky grandkids. I love everything that you have incorporated into and how your parents' spirit are a big part of your space. I look forward to the day when I can have my own little SoCal house and make it my own. Looks like we won't be out there this summer because of wedding expenses, but plan to come perhaps in January after our daughter graduates from college. We will be looking around for possible "second half of life home" and I will be sure to make a trip to your area again. Ann

  5. Always so tempting to run back into the OC for a fix of Country Roads...soon.
    I, too, have stones from my parents' garden. One with my oldest boys hand prints. Will be looking forward to your after photos but it already lovely.


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