
Little Hands

I spent today with my "little ones". Don't let those little smiles fool you, they were probably up to something! I will be the first to admit it takes a lot of energy when there are three of them under five years old. But oh how they melt my heart. For me, there is just something so sweet & innocent about their little hands that I love!

As Morgan prays, "dear God, please do not let my little cousin pull my hair one more time today or I may have to smack him"! I don't know what it is lately, but Bodhi loves to grab Morgan's hair with his little hands! I came across this little poem that kind of says how I feel about all my babies little hands!
"The handprints of a little child
Can never be duplicated
They're to remind you to smile a little
When you're tired or agitated
They'll have you remember how good it feels
How positively grand
That the world has a little more meaning
When you're holding a little hand
So with my heart
And all my love
I'm giving these to you
Just to remind you of me
Each day the whole day through"


  1. What a bunch of cuties! I can't believe how big the baby has gotten!

  2. Thank you for my "fix" Sue! I always look forward to pictures of the grandbabies.
    I still love holding my daughters hands, even the 28yo. I think it just takes me back to the time when they always wanted to hold my hand to feel safe and protected. They start wanting to let go so soon. Testing boundaries on their own.
    So now when they reach over and hold my hand I hold it tight and treasure it. I'm always happy to take what I can get.
    Thank you for sharing the pictures and the poem, Oh, and Morgans cute prayer. lol


  3. oh goodness how adorable are they
    well I am an emotional mess today, between your poem and Irma describing her holding hands with her 28 yr old
    I am a blubbering mess

  4. Those tiny hands grab our hearts and never let go...as if we would want them to.
    Your g'babies are precious and growing up way too fast.
    I tell ya girl...I don't know if I'm woman enough to handle three at a time!!!

  5. Sue, they are growing up so beautifully! So glad you get to spend that time with them and I know the work is worth it for the fun you have! Ann

  6. They are so precious!!! The little hands that so sweetly pat your cheeks or place in yours...the chubby fingers..oh the absolute cuteness of little one's anythings!!!!


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