
Just Pictures

My Saturdays are like others Mondays. Meaning that I'm off on Mondays and Tuesdays, assuming all goes well.  And "off" for me isn't really "off" because there is always something that has to be done. This past week has been a very, very full week. Work, babysitting my little ones, paperwork at home and it feels like a thousand other things. So, for this post, I thought I would post "just pictures" that I took over the past couple of days at CR. There is always, without fail, something that catches my eye at Country Roads. There really is something for everyone!

I took the picture above this afternoon. That would be as in today, when all I wanted to do was fly away somewhere, anywhere, if only I had magical powers. I love this old outside rocket toy. There is something about it that calls my name. I hope you all have a good week, and hope you find sometime to stop by for a visit. You DO know that Country Roads is very good therapy! A visit at CR takes you to another place, just like my little rocket above!! Take care.


  1. Look's like we need to make it to your shop. We are on a hunt for another bird bath. Have a reat Monday......Julian

  2. Sue, love the pictures, you always have the best ones!

  3. As they say " pictures are worth a thousand words". Sometimes I prefer to look at pictures than to read a bunch text. Thanks for the simplicity of your post.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!