
As Easter Day Winds Down!

Easter morning started off peacefully for me. I had put candy in the plastic eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt the night before. I got my babies Easter baskets ready and left them in my room until I got back home. And then it was off to Country Roads. I have a confession. I always under estimate our customers. I'm thinking we will do okay, but didn't really expect to be BUSY! We were busy and Bryce and I ended up staying until after 4pm. Our family Easter celebration was scheduled for 4pm. But when a customer calls you and he is on his way from LA, I'm going to wait. That is what customer service is all about. So, by the time Bryce & I got home, we missed the Easter egg hunt but everyone was there and it was nice to sit down. My back is still killing me right now. My grandbabies were calm at first, enjoying their Easter baskets. Then they started eating the one thing that can turn a peaceful afternoon into pure chaos, CANDY! It is like crack for little kids. Here are a few of my favorite pictures below.

Morgan is obsessed with shoes with heels and dressing up. That is what I filled her Easter basket with. Let's hope my boy Bryce is ready to buy shoes for this one. I "think" my sister gave Riley the bear or whatever the stuffed animal is above. Riley was in love with it, and also very tired by the end of the evening. Just take a look at her hair. And me, I'm off to bed now with a cold Corona. And even though my house was TOTAL chaos. . .I loved every minute of it. I know I'm blessed, and not a day goes by that I don't remember that. I have a feeling I will be sleeping very sound tonight!!


  1. What an adorable post Sue!!! Thats what family is all about sharing and making wonderful memories. Happy Easter to you!


  2. I know what you mean about the candy...as soon as the egg hunt was over at our house, the chaos began!!!

    Looks like you took good care of your grandbabies :)

    Glad it was a successful day...seems like not everyone felt shopping on Easter to be a cardinal sin!! LOL

  3. it is so fun to see them get their baskets.
    How adorable is morgan and her putting the shoes on!!
    Happy Easter!

    We had to put veggie chips in Brooklyns eggs for him to even be interested in them. Maybe next year candy will take the veggie chips place

  4. What a good grandma you are Sue!
    You sure did make those babies happy with those wonderful baskets you filled for them.
    I'm sorry you missed the egg hunt :(
    I hope that last minute customer was worth the wait :)

  5. Those smiles say it all. Just precious!

  6. Your day sounded like ours!! I was exhausted by the time everyone left our house ;) ~ Your kiddos look adorable!!

    French Farmhouse 425

  7. Hi sue, it's so nice your busy, even if it's Easter. Your Grand-babies are adorable, XO Christie


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