
Some CR Miscellaneous

I barely got started today taking pictures when the camera battery light came on! So I didn't get a chance to take too many pixs. Hopefully tomorrow I'll find the time and not have the migrane headache I had today. I ended up going home early because of it. So, with all that said, here are some pictures of CR miscellaneous stuff that caught my eye before the camera battery died!

What I love best about Country Roads is that there is always something you want to take home! Seriously, I "try" to stay behind the counter so I leave empty handed on the days I work! On a completely different subject, if you would like to help in the relief efforts for Japan, itunes has a great offer. For a small purchase price of $9.99 you can download "Songs for Japan".  And I think there is like 38 songs if I'm not mistaken. For those of you that are into itunes and giving back, this is the perfect way to help. The store is looking good right now, and I'm hoping to see you over the week-end. I think you know how fast the inventory turns over so there is always new exciting displays! Take care.


  1. just got in from our afternoon walk and had to see what was going on at CR's, sorry to hear about your migraine. Hope you feel better soon.
    Love the fresh look you have captured here of the shop.
    I just said that the color pink is really inspiring me this season and I see Cr's has a lot of pink to offer.
    Thanks for sharing the itunes info.
    great way to give back.
    Get well wishes sent your way :)

  2. I'm so sorry you're not feeling well Sue.
    I've been feeling lousy myself. Let's pray that tomorrow will be a better day for both of us. I see Princess Kate restocked her lovely booth, I'm so glad she's doing better!

    Get well,

  3. Hope you're feeling better coming from someone who knows what a migraine feels like. The best medicine I've found is sleep. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day:)

    Thanks for leaving us with such beautiful visual of your wonderful store.


  4. Thank you for th itunes insight. I hope you feel better. Migraines are evil and bad! LOL!

  5. Sue, thanks for the i-tunes tip. I am downloading some for a class, so I will click on some of those! And I hope your battery light always flashes because you took some great photos! Ann

  6. Hi Sue, I can hardly Believe that I am Back online, I Love the Stuff you have at CR's.... You always have the Best Vignettes to show ~ Sure hope your feeling better real quick, be back again soon...


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!