
The Old Stuff

What is it about the old chippy, rusty, beat up stuff that calls our name? I don't usually use the word "patina" because it sounds to fancy. To many this old rusty junk, and chippy painted furniture should be "stripped & re-painted". I remember my first farm table I bought many, many years ago. My kids were elementary school age and Mr. Wonderful (my ex-husband) was petrified they were going to get lead poisoning from the paint. I asked him one day, "is it like you think they are going to chew on a table leg instead of their dinner?" I love the feeling of the OLD stuff. I just can't help myself. Here are just a few pictures of some of that stuff below~

I don't think Country Roads would BE Country Roads without being filled with the "old stuff"! We even built the inside of the store out with the old, rusty, and chippy stuff. Looks like finally, here in sunny SoCal that Spring is on the way. Actually Thursday we are supposed to have temps in the 80's! I can't wait!!


  1. Oh Sue, What beautiful pics! All are so great...you should make us guess what dealer's spot they are from!! I can guess one and I feel like running down to buy it! LOL!!
    Yes!! 80 sounds so good...can't wait til Wednesday!
    Have a great week!

  2. Sue,

    I love all of it, old..chippy..patina! Great pics!

  3. oh Sue you had me laughing just at the little blurb on my dashboard, then I read on and too funny!
    I love your wit and sarcasm!
    you tell it like it is and I love it.

    Thanks for always making us stop and think and giving a laugh to go along with it.

  4. Oh Yeah. Lovin' it!

    barbara jean

  5. I totally agree Sue, I am enamored by that which is so aged that it has a dilapidated elegance about it. Our youngest Daughter once had to tell a Friend that No, we weren't poor, we liked and sought out our stuff in this condition! *winks* I realize that to some it would be too rough and aged, but to me it is just perfect and OOAK when time has aged a piece to perfection! I LOVE the pieces you've shown, the colors, the time worn surfaces... it doesn't get any better and these types of surfaces cannot be adequately replicated so the real deal makes my Heart skip a beat when I find it!!!

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  6. I loooove that last pic with my favorite aqua blue, there's no way you can duplicate that much layered chippiness.
    Once I bought a "patina-ed" coffee table, when my MIL asked my FIL "isn't it beautiful honey?" he answered "sure, with a good sanding and a little paint it's gonna look great" lol
    Since then he's been schooled on this "look" and just smiles and nods when asked.


  7. Hi Sue, What great items you have in your store! it's funny that the older I get the more I appreciate those natural time worn pieces! Great photo's XO, Christie

  8. I LOVE your blog! I can't agree more about the chippy, peel-y stuff. I love the textures and history of them all! Great photos!
    I ran across your blog this morning and will be back to see what you are doing next! Can't wait to see!

  9. the older I get the more I like rusty..chippy and worn....hmmm wonder why...


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