
White Wednesday

For this weeks "White Wednesday" post, I decided to sneak out back yesterday during our busy three day sale and take some pictures of our "winter whites" that are in our Johnnye Merle Gardens & Nursery! Don't let the sunshine fool you. It has been cold here for us, and I'm not handling it well. The statue above was placed in our flower beds we first created at Country Roads back in 1993! It always warms my heart, even on cold days, when I see "her" still in the garden after all these years! Here are a few more of my favorite "winter whites" I hope you will enjoy!

This year Johnnye Merle's has been growing their own plants which I absolutely love. They have now reached a point that we have them for sale and our sweet peas (one of my personal favorites) are just waiting to go home and thrive in your gardens. I hope you all make it a point to stop by Kathleen's blog and see not only how beautiful her blog is, but all the many other blogs that are featured for this "White Wednesday"! And for those of you that live where it truly is cold, just remember Spring is just around the corner!!


  1. I am longing for spring and some fresh green leaves with blooms!

  2. Happy WW Sue! Yes it's cold and I can't handle it. I can't move when is cold. I am sorry for people in the What they call it, Real winter but I am cold here. I need the sun. Love the windows, tin ceiling....Ciao Rita mammabellarte

  3. I love all your whites!!! So inspiring.....hurrry spring!!!

  4. Mmmm sweet peas! At this stage of the game...I'll take anything green including weeds!
    I am so ready for blooms especially the bluebonnets. Won't be long now!

  5. Beautiful post. I love the birdbath!!! ~~Sherry~~

  6. Love your blog. I am thinking of opening a shop somewhere. sell vintage finds and refurbished antiques. great inspiration. I am your newest follower. And yes with 5 feet of snow I am longing for spring.
    Au revoir

  7. great photos! Love all the white worn patina on every piece. So glad you slipped out to take these amazing pictures for us!


  8. I love the ducks! And thanks for the encouraging words...that spring will soon be here. I needed that!

  9. Oh, Sue, I was so impressed with your garden area a Country Roads when I was there last year and it looks better than ever. That sunshine looks so inviting as I look out the window to see snow falling. I sure hope Spring gets here quickly!

    Take sometime out of your busy schedule to enjoy that garden.


  10. That old bay window...MARVELOUS! Please box that up and mail it to me!
    Your daily photos are a true inspiration!

  11. Hi Sue! I just adore all of your white, chippy, vintage treasures! Thanks for the encouragement about spring. We've still got a few weeks left of winter here in MI, but I'm certainly counting the days til spring!!! :) Happy WW!

    xoxo laurie


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!