
White Wednesday

It's that time of the week, time to enjoy "White Wednesday"! And I'm guessing there many of you that are really experiencing "White Wednesday" with all the snow spread throughout the country. Thankfully, I live in sunny Southern CA, and even on our cooler days, we usually see the sunshine! This week I've featured some pictures from Full Bloom Cottage, which is the name of Loretta's business. She has a "knack" with the whites as you will soon see!

I hope this "WW" finds everyone well, and enjoying life, which we all should be grateful for! Seems like life flies by way too fast, don't you think? Please stop by Kathleen's blog to see not only her beautiful blog, but all the other "White Wednesday" blogs as well! I hope you are all enjoying winter, regardless of the weather! Take care.

“Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart. ” — Victor Hugo


  1. Hi Sue

    I'm a friend of Kate's (Salvage Dior) and just wanted to tell you how much I love your store. It's amazing what an eclectic mix of goods you have available. I'm like a kid in a candy store every time I enter! I spent nearly two hours there on New Year's Day, and wish I could spend more time just walking around soaking it all in (unfortunately it's not ofter that I don't have a rambunctious three year old little boy by my side!). Anyway, it's evident how much time and energy you put into "the store" and just love looking at all of the pictures!!!

    If I can ever give you a hand with the blog (design) let me know!


  2. Oh my what a stunning booth! I swear if I could pick the whole thing up and bring it through the snow storm to my place I would! I would just love to come and visit your beautiful store one day... Theresa xoxo

  3. Beautiful and dreamy...wish I could just sleep there.

    Funny, but I've never liked the cold weather or rain, yet I've lived here my whole life. When I was in high school I swore I was going to move to Cali, but it never panned out. I still dream about living somewhere sunny someday. At least it isn't bitter cold here like in the midwest.

    Crazy how the sun coming out can put me in such a better mood and give me more energy.

    Best wishes,


  4. You're right...GORGEOUS! You have the coolest stuff there!
    Have a great week!

  5. Makes me want to get out in the cold and head to my favorite antique mall!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!