
An Extreme Blog Makeover!

 Sometimes, what I've found out, is it is just better to pay for something, than become frustrated and waste time. This was the case with my blog! If you've noticed, it looks a bit different these days. And why? Because I found the most amazing person ever, Kristin!
 In a matter of days, Kristin just "nailed it" for me!! What does that mean? I told her what I wanted, which coming from me isn't always the easiest thing to understand. I always have a hundred things going on at once and jump from subject to subject quite often. I'm one of these people that is always doing something and love what I do, my business, Country Roads! I've always wanted a more simplified background for my blog. Kristin "nailed it"!  My life IS all about family, so I choose a couple of my favorite family pictures. My header has two pictures of my Mom that were taken in the late 1920's. That is her, at home on the family ranch in Lubbock, Texas. The smaller picture is of my Mom, being pulled in a cart by her Dad, Hobson. Kristin was able to clean up my old photos and had a new header for me very quickly that I feel in love with!
And I wanted to incorporate not only my life, but what is a huge part of what IS my life, Country Roads! I've always wanted larger pictures so people can see what awesome merchandise we have. Kristin quickly "nailed" that for me. I've wanted to feature a playlist of what new music myself & Country Roads are listening too. Kristin "nailed it" and actually had to "nail" that one twice since I totally wiped out the first playlist without even knowing what I did! We are still working on our clickable links, and one of the most exciting things that I personally want to accomplish this year is to begin to put together "Country Roads Online". I want some of our great stuff that we have at "the store" to be available to everyone, not just those of you that live locally. Obviously, this is going to take some time for me to do, and I will start small, but I am really looking forward to this. If you are like me, busy and never having enough time in your days and want an "Extreme Blog Makeover", contact Kristin at 
"Simply Klassic Designs"!  I've was thrilled with what Kristin was able to do with my blog!!


  1. Its Beautiful Sue!!! Kristin did an amazing job on your blog!!! I'm sure that you will enjoy it everyday as I do mine. It really does suit you to a "T"!!

    See you soon

  2. Well, I think it looks great! The pictures of your mother are just adorable too. It is just perfect, so glad that you ae happy with it:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  3. Sue, it looks fantastic! The larger pictures really show off the items in CRA well. And I love the look of the sidebar too. Ann

  4. Man alive..I want a face lift too! It looks excellent and I love the header.

  5. I agree, sometimes it is worth the price not to have a headache or breakdown over trying something you don't know how to do.
    I am keeping this one on file.
    When things settle down around here I totally need a blog makeover.
    I just can't wait for the online shop
    sooo exciting for us outta towners
    Take care

  6. LOVE IT!!! and love the bigger photos, now I can see more stuff I want!!!!

  7. Hi Sue,
    Just LoVe your NeW blog !! It's so YoU !! I've been listening to your playlist as I'm getting ready for work .. Would rather be listening to your music while shopping in the store !! But, this was second BeSt !!

    Have a happy day at work, and probably see you soon ~

    Hugs ~Tanza~

  8. It looks great and.... it loads much faster!

  9. Blog looks FAB!
    Missing Country Roads.
    I need to come for a visit!

  10. Oh, girl, you have done it again...improved perfection!


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