
Cowboy Boots for my Babies!

In the picture above is my Grandpa on the right. His name was Hobson Durham, and he was originally from Lubbock, Texas but being a cowboy wasn't paying much. So he took his family, my Grandma Madge and his daughter, my Mom, Johnnye Merle and moved to Temple. He got a job driving an oil truck. There are a few things I just love about this picture. Even though my Grandpa had to give up the life of a cowboy, he still has on his cowboy boots! You could take the cowboy away from riding the broncs, but you couldn't take the cowboy out of the man. As you can see, he still has his cowboy boots on. I always joke with my kids that I KNOW where we all got that love of animals. I love that my Grandpa is posing with his dog, and kind of enjoy the cheesy smile of his buddie's face on the right. I have so few pictures of my Grandpa, but not in one, did he ever not have on cowboy boots!

When Bryce was born, he was the first "boy" in our family.  Bryce was only a few days old when my Mom made a little shopping trip to a store that sold western attire. She wanted to make sure that "her" boy Bryce had his first pair of cowboy boots! They were/are so small. My Mom was so excited to give them to "her" baby boy Bryce!

The other day at Country Roads I saw these little cowboy boots. They just had Bodhi's name all over them! How could I resist? I love that the toes on both boots show a little wear. I like to think of a little cowboy out kicking rocks created that "worn it" look.

Riley has a pair of these red cowboy boots at her house. I'm thinking now I may have to get these so I can create a little vignette in my home with little cowboy boots for my  grandkids. What is the appeal of little cowboy boots? Maybe because it brings back so many fond memories of my Mom and her stories of Texas.

I have posted pictures of these cowboy boots before. I've been wanting to get them for Morgan, you know just like my Mom got cowboy boots for "her boy Bryce"! And I'm sure these will fit in just perfect with the other little cowboy boots for my grandbabies!

Above is one of the few pictures of my Grandpa Hobson in his early days of riding.  I have so few photos of him, especially when he was younger. This will make a great picture to add to my little vignette of my Texas roots and cowboy boots and to remember our "roots" as a family.


  1. Oh Sue,
    I just loved this post!!! You are so fortunate to even have the few photos that you do have of your grandpa! My 6 year old son has cowboy boots, but my 2 year old always wears them. He's been wearing them since he could walk. Boots are soooo cute on the little ones! I saw those red boots the other day at the store and I just loved them!
    Have a great day.

  2. Hi Sue, The photos of you Granpa are great! How wonderful to have them. I love the little cowboy boots. My little granddaughters all had a pair or two also. They always looked so cute in them.Well I guess our grandchildren would look great in anything right;)lol Have a wonderful weekend
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  3. I cannot wait to get you in Texas, girlfriend! Just can't wait! Love, love, love the cowboy boots. All of your babies cowboy boots need to be on display in your house! That is a wonderful tradition! Have I mentioned that I miss you?


  4. Such a sentimentel post Sue. Love the photos and also the cowboy boots.

    Hope you are enjoying your down time:)

    The sun is hingin here. It's only 33 degrees and there's snow on the ground, but the sun is shining and I'm loving it!


  5. I loved those old photos of your grandpa how lucky you are to have them! We are not from a cowboy family but when I spotted some red white and blue boots a few years ago when my youngest was little I had to have them for him! He wore them all of the time and I have the sweetest photo of him sitting on Santa's lap wearing his plaid winter coat and those boots and Santa holding up his pant leg a but so you could see how cool they are! Thanks for inspiring a little trip down my own memory lane! xoxo

  6. Just wandering around blogs this morning and came across yours and the story of your grandfather and the boots. Want to tell you I had a friend here in AZ who filled a corner in her "play" house here with over 40 pair of cowboy boots in every color and size she could fine. Great display. Then, when family and friends visited to escape the winter weather (she was actually from Chicago) they got to wear the boots and/or take home a pair. Thanks for sharing your boots and for reminding me how much I loved and miss my friend.

  7. I so enjoy getting to hear personal stories and I loved having a story behind an old black and white photo. There is something special about a cowboy that all little boys want to be one at one time. I am hoping to have a western party this summer and I am on the look out for the perfect pair of worn cowboy boots. Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. I love, love, love cowboy boots and I wear them all the time! Got a new pair for Christmas and I already have them broke in! Love the picture of you grand dad and I know very well where Temple, Texas is.


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