
White Wednesday

This "White Wednesday" kind of snuck up on me a bit. I was so busy at the store the past three days over the week-end, that I didn't get much time to take pictures for my White Wednesday post today. So, with that said, this post is just some white randomness spread throughout my house. And as you can see, I have a bit of eclectic taste! I like a lot of different kinds of stuff, so this White Wednesday there's a mixture of different "whites"!

And of course the picture above is of the couch I lusted after forever at Country Roads and it now is MINE! So, since it has some white on it, I thought why not share my new favorite "had to have it" piece of furniture! Thank you Kathleen for us all. Obviously, by the turn out here weekly, we all really enjoy your "White Wednesdays". Thanks for being such a gracious hostess! Take care.


  1. The sofa is splendid! Glad you got it.
    Those bathing caps bring back vivid memories. My mother would make us wear them and I always felt like a Q-tip in them!

  2. Love that sofa!! I remember wearing those bathing caps when I was a kid. I hated them, they always felt like they were pulling out my hair---ouch!
    Take care,

  3. What great treasures you have collected, love the couch! XO Christie

  4. I always love looking at your home collections and the couch looks awesome! Mary :O)

    P.S. I was poking around in your store today, so much fun!

  5. Ohhhhhhhhhhh - I love this blog! GREAT "stuff" - LOVE the antique bathing suits and caps that I hated wearing as a kid (the caps, not the suits)! Happy White Wednesday - Tanya

  6. I love all your eclectic whites... especially that first photograph... where you have kept a time worn surface that so many others would have re-done... sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one drawn to such surfaces on walls? Glad to see someone else is too!!!

    Dawn... The

  7. I'm dying over that mayonnaise dispenser LOL...I've never seen one!
    And your bathroom door with the old swimsuit...is wonderful!

  8. Sue
    The sofa looks divine in your home!!! I too am so happy that you go that for yourself, now we can all stop drooling over it since its not at the store any longer:) have a great day see you soon


  9. it is all amazing and beautiful.
    i love the vintage swim collection you have put together. I have had a childs swimcap I found years ago and I am still trying to find a way to display it. I think you just gave me a new idea for brooklyns bathroom!!!
    PS the couch looks soo great!
    Happy WW Sue

  10. LOVE that old radiator and the mayonnaise thingie! Too cool!
    ¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**´¨)
    (¸.*´ (¸.*´* Lori Lynn *

    PS: I'm having a 400th post giveaway!!

  11. I love all your different whites Sue. You sure do have some great stuff. I have to agreet with the consensus of the sofa.....perfect!


  12. My favorite photos are always the ones of your house or your family! Next time you need something white for your White Wednesday post, you can take a picture of my butt...just get that wide-angle lens!

  13. Oh my goodness! I laughed right out loud when I saw those old bathing suits and caps! I used to wear those caps when I was a child (gee, thanks mom! lol!). I can see why you would lust after that sofa, too. Stunning piece of furniture! Happy WW to you!

    xoxo laurie

  14. Love your peeks at all these random whites...so wish I could visit your shop!


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