
Our Customers!

As many of you know, yesterday was our big New Years Day sale! Each and every year, I'm totally amazed by our customers. They never, ever let us down! We were "slammed" all day long, and as I limped home last night and crawled under my warm electric blanket, I thought of the day. I remembered all the kind and caring things that my customers said throughout the day to all of us. Sometimes I have to step back and look, really look at this "little" place called Country Roads!

Country Roads, I don't think I would have ever dreamed eighteen years ago it wold turn into the store it is today. And for that, I have to thank my Country Roads family of dealers for the quality & display of merchandise they continue to bring in daily. And our awesome customers, never disappoint me, are are just amazing. I can't even begin to explain to you how much their kind words mean to me. I am always humbled to hear such nice comments, thank you. And a special thanks to not only my "kids" (staff) that worked yesterday, but I sincerely appreciate that Cindy, Ginny, Eileen, and Stacey volunteered their time to help us out. It made our jobs so much easier. Thank you. And again, I have no real words to express my gratitude to all of you that made "I'd Rather Shop Than Watch Football Sale" such a success. Thank you!


  1. I MUST get to Country Roads someday!!! Great Pics!!!
    Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  2. Boogieboard CottageJanuary 2, 2011 at 9:24 AM

    We were too lazy to go anywhere yesterday, though I was really tempted to go to County Roads! But the next time you have a sale, I'm going to try to go! Sounds like it was a great sucess. My new link party started today, actually it starts on Monday, but I put the link up early. I would love it if you could link up this or any other post. Take care, Mary :O)

  3. Sounds like you kicked off the new year with a bang.
    Congrats Sue and I know you love working hard but I hope you have more time to yourself this year to just sit back and relax

  4. Country Roads is my FAVORITE when I travel from Iowa all the way to California.
    I am hoping to get there again this year and will make sure to say hello!!!
    Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters and still owns several pieces bought from you and had shipped home)


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!