
Why You Need to Shop at CR This Week-end!

So, why do I think you need to shop at Country Roads this week-end. First, it is supposed to rain ALL week-end, and you know how big our store is, and how "easy" it is to spend a lot of time shopping. Also, as I was walking around the store yesterday, it just looks really good right now. Here are a few little things I took some pictures of to share with you!

I am so fortunate to have such a great Country Roads family. They never let me down, and their displays are wonderful as you can see. And the majority of the displays are usually not stale, meaning they have not sat there the same way so long that they are covered in dust! Hope to see you over the week-end! Take care.


  1. OH you paint the most beautiful picture of a rainy shopping day.
    Rudy is out struggling to buy christmas gifts for me and all he would have to do is go to CR and get that darn elephant!! LOL!
    Enjoy the rain and I hope it gets here today

  2. You took beautiful photos of the shop and I luv the elephant he is too CUTE! Have a safe and dry day.....Julian

  3. HEY! Im your newest follower and LUVVVVIN it! I ADORE your site...so personal and welcoming! I love mixing the old with new...Im crazy about tattered and antiqued...I have an interior design business and blog...im doing 14 days of christmas trees and would BEYOND APPRECIATE it if you would come visit...I have a great GIVEAWAY ...

    *ENTER CUSTOM FLORAL Give-Away Here *

    blessings xoxokara

  4. My hands are itching to shop at Country Roads. What a way to stay dry.
    Happy Thanksgiving....

  5. Hi Sue! Thank you for including pictures of my space. My son Is sooo happy with all the goodies he found at CR! He might become a very expensive helper to take with me very week!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!