
White Wednesday

Welcome to my "White Wednesday" which almost didn't happen thanks to either blogger or my computer. I have never had pictures load so slow. I usually have more pictures posted for "White Wednesday", but technology prevented me from adding more! With that said, here some random pictures of "whiteness" at Country Roads. Here is a sampling of some of our "White Wednesday" stuff!

I know the above picture isn't "white" but I had to share it. My oldest, Brande, is touring with the band Arcade Fire in Europe. She does the fundraising for them. Brande is always taking pictures of sunsets here at home. This one was taken at Notre Dame de la Garde Marseille, France. We'll miss Brande this Thanksgiving, but "thankfully" she will be home in time for Christmas. Please stop by and pay my friend Kathleen a visit, as we all know our awesome her "whites" are! And to you all, "happy Thanksgiving" and let's remember those things that we are truly thankful for this year! Take care.


  1. Oh my, that chair is almost is gorgeous as the beautiful sunset! Lovely post.

    Best wishes and happy Thanksgiving,

  2. Beautiful whites, Sue!

    Doesn't the new blogger photo uploader suck? I mean like majorly, hugely suck?

    Ahh well, can't fight the system!

  3. Must be blogger, cause I've had trouble leaving comments tonight! I think blogger has a mind of it's own! Great stuff though!

  4. WOW that Brande is nonstop go go go
    So darn cool and a great shot!!
    I am sure you will miss her so much this week.
    Okay now for the pics totally need that chair and cabinet. Why do I have to live so far, not really but too far to visit as often as I would like, say like every week...
    anyway, happy WW
    and yes blogger is acting funny!

  5. I have had the same problem with Blogger for some time now. Sometimes I think Blogger and Facebook rules our lives! :)

    Great photos! Worth the wait!

  6. I eye those little sinks every time I visit Country Roads and the little green one out in the garden. Eventually I say...one of those little charmers needs to come home with me. Happy White Wednesday.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving Sue!!!

    Love the chair and stools! Lucky Brande ~ that is a beautiful photo!


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