
White Wednesday

With Halloween now a memory gone by, and Thanksgiving just weeks away, this "White Wednesday" finds me enjoying the first week of November in our warm California sunshine. It's been a speedy year, the months have disappeared before my eyes, and the passage of time still amazes me! I'm linking up today with my friend, Kathleen, for "White Wednesday". I've chosen some random "whitish" things from my favorite store, Country Roads!

This last picture is of "Buddy", who does have some "white" on him to share on this Fall "White Wednesday" day. My boy Bryce tends to also not only have the love of junk like me, his mom, but of our furry four legged friends as well! Someone was moving and couldn't take Buddy with them, so I'm sure you can figure the rest out. Buddy is about nine months old and I think he is pit/beagle mix probably with a few other things thrown in. Since my dog, "Sally the Wonder Dog" lives with us at home and hates all other dogs on the face of the earth, we can't bring Buddy home to live with us. But, Buddy is quickly becoming our Country Roads mascot I do believe. I'm trying, really trying, not to get too attached to Buddy. Did I already say, really trying? I hope you all have a great "WW" and will see you soon! Take care!!


  1. Hi Sue
    I saw Buddy roaming the aisles of the store, he sure is cute. I am so looking forward to being part of the Country Roads family this holiday season.


  2. I read Thanksgiving and almost had a stroke...!
    The store looks great!!

  3. Buddy is a keeper-the best investment anyone could ever make-I've got 3 dogs all rescues-and one's named Buddy and he's the best of the bunch!

  4. Neat pictures! The skeleton with the two round pictures on top of it cracks me up...at first glance, it looked like a giant bony face with the two pictures as eyes! I also loved the headless figure with one hand! Ha! :) Great whites...have a wonderful night!


  5. great white inspiration!
    Tammy :-)

  6. I got a sneaking hunch he's gonna be your best "buddy"!
    Lisa's bottles are gorgeous!

  7. Hi Sue ~ love your photos today, especially the little lamb!

  8. Lovin all the Stuff Sue~ Love the Mannequin & that Plant Stand (if that's what it is) Beautiful, Beautiful..... Thanks for Sharing

  9. Buddy looks exactly like my beloved childhood dog, Rango. Rango was named after the 1960's comedy sitcom show called "Rango", which lasted only one season if I remember correctly and I've never met anyone who rembers it but me! Anyway, she was a funny dog, so we named her after the show. Everytime the show came on, the theme song would start "RANGO!......" and the dog would stare at the tv with her ears sticking up and a shocked look on her face, like she was wondering why the tv was talking to her. I really miss her, she was the best dog in the world.

    I love your White Wednesday pics, are you getting a lot of Christmas decorating in your store yet? I need to come in and take some more pictures. Take care, Mary

  10. Hey Sue, cute pup. I hope someone gives him a good home, even though I know you would. I see so much vintage coolness in your pics. Happy WW!

  11. Beautiful whites. I think I like the spine the best. It's a little unexpected. And Buddy is adorable - but don't let him near the spine. He might chew on it.

  12. Hi Sue,
    Gosh it's down right HoT today !! Our Summer has come I guess !! Everything is soo beautiful in there .. and, Buddy, how sweet .. you need a store mascot !! Maybe Buddy can keep the crazys' at bay .. What a sweetie he is .. Hoping all is well with you and your day a happy one ~
    Hugs ~Tanza~

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