
It's The Last Day!!

So, here's the deal! Today is the last day of this absolutely awesome sale we are having. It has been so nice to see so many of our customers stop by to shop. And believe me, they could tell you first hand what great stuff is on sale right now. Here are a few quick pictures I had a few moments to take yesterday.

We also had some new customers yesterday come shop with us. And as much as we welcome everyone, there were a couple of "stand outs" in the crowd that we will always remember. I'm always in total amazement of what can come out of peoples mouths. For any of you that know Carol, she is the sweetest, nicest person ever. She would do anything for our customers. So, this woman walks up to her yesterday and starts in on Carol right away with "orders". Such as, "I don't like this, take it off", etc. Never once did I hear the words please or thank you from this woman. Carol completes the customers orders per the customers "instructions". She had a Xmas tree what was a bit difficult to bag, so Carol carefully bagged it and suggested to her, "you might want to carry the bag this way so the ornaments don't break". The customer looked at her and said, "so, do you want to tell me where to store it as well". Needless to say, not only Carol, but Yesi and I too, had the perfect suggestion for storage of said Christmas tree! We had to hold our hands over our mouths so the words wouldn't slip out! But I do want to thank her for shopping with us making and making us smile all afternoon. With that said, and me smiling as I type this, I hope you guys still find sometime to shop AND make us smile! Take care.


  1. classic christmas tales, I love your stories Sue, I have not dealt with the public in a long time I am afraid I wouldn't have been able to hold that easy storage solution back. LOL!
    Hope todays customers are a little more welcoming

  2. Oh I don't know that I could hold back on someone like that.

  3. You just love to torment me, don't you? You knew full well that I would be lusting after that industrial table on wheels...big wheels! And then you had to throw that photo of the yellow chairs in there! Ouch! If I wasn't hurting enough already, then you post the last photo which has this precious photo of a dog under the table glass! OMG! Thanks alot!


  4. I'm here almost every single day ooohing and aaahing over your amazing pics, so shame on me that I haven't told you that lately!

    I am so lucky that I don't live anywhere near you, I'd be in the poorhouse for sure if I had ready access to Country Roads!!!

  5. I love your "Special Customer" stories!! I would have had a really hard time not telling her where to store her tree as well, lol!!!! You guys deserve a metal. Mary :O)

  6. Congratulations on not saying anything to "that" customer, I don't think I could have bitten my tongue hard enough not to say something that I probably would have regretted saying later. I hope you have a serene, but busy selling day-with happy, peppy, people :)

  7. Oh it's beginning to sound alot like Christmas.....

    I don't know why customers forget the "goodwill toward men" part!!

  8. Hi Sue ~ What Fabulous Treasures ~ I Love, Love, Love those Yellow Vintage Chairs! btw, Thanks so much for stopping by & Your sweet words of Encouragement ~ Yes, I Still want to Punch Him! Have a Wonderful Week

  9. The funny part would be if she reads your blog :) Thanks for making ME smile, okay laugh out loud!!


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