
White Wednesday

I've kind of felt like my cat Makena, pictured above. A bit tired from working so much these past few months. I've been buried in paperwork today, and for some reason it is sadly never finished! The one really nice thing on this "White Wednesday",(and don't forget to go visit Kathleen) is that I've got to be home again. My daughter, Katie, is back from maternity leave so I don't have to work quite as much AT my store, Country Roads! It's been months since I've been able to stay home for the day and have all my candles lit. I LOVE to have candles burning in my house, makes it feel warm and cozy. I still have a lot to do around the house, like find places for a couple of architectural pieces I just bought at Country Roads. So, with all that said, I decided to take some random photos of "stuff" around my home today!

On this old, square primitive table that some day will be "the kids table" at family dinners, are three of my favorite photos. From left to right. . .the first is my Mom. I have always loved this picture, but was so touched when one of my Country Roads family, Lori Gutierrez who happens to be an awesome artist, embellished the photo for me. I was SO touched. The photo in the middle is of me, my sister and my Dad at the old Pier Point landing that use to be here in Long Beach. And the photo on the right is of my little baby Bodhi's hands. I took the picture and just feel in love with it! I have to say again, it has REALLY been nice to have more time at home. I've missed being here, and that is why I chose to just take some random pictures, not of my house, but of my home!

“A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams"


  1. Hi Sue, your home is amazing , I love all your personal touches mixed with your favorite things!I think I will be in Country Roads on Friday afternoon, hope to see you.Christie

  2. Lovely post! So many wonderful details! On to look at your older posts...

  3. Hi Sue, so glad you get to spend some quality time at your home. Love all the pictures. I too love to burn candles,especially on the rainy, gray days we sometimes get here in So. Cal. The candles just seem to bring a peace and joy on an otherwise dreary day. Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures of your home.

  4. Your house or home is sooo coool;
    like an awesome museum of stuff.
    AWW, love baby hands and feet can't ever get enough of taking those pics to put around the house.
    Enjoy your evening in your home.

  5. Your home is so cool, no wonder you like being there! And I adore Makena. Mary :O)

  6. Beautiful vignettes Sue, I love the family photos. So happy that you will have you time and treadmill time;)) Have a wonderful week.


  7. Hi Sue ~ I am Loving your Beautiful Vignettes of White ~ The Mesh Basket of Shells, the Milk Display, even Your melting candles are Divine ~ Thank You for Sharing with Us & Thanks for Your Encouragement, I feel so Blessed by Blogging Friends...

  8. Great architectural pieces-they're my favorite-Happy WW

  9. Wow! LOVE,love,love all the architectural pieces!!!! You have a knack for displays, that's for sure.
    Glad I stopped over from WW.

  10. Sue, I'm so glad you are having more time at home and hopefully for yourself. Your home reflects the beauty of your chosen work and your lovely family. What a wonderful haven you have created, surrounding yourself with such treasures. Ann

  11. I'm so glad you have more time to be home, and why wouldn't you want to.....your home is filled with such amazing stuff. I'm drooling over all your wonderful architectural pieces and I love the photos.....very special.

    Hope you take some time to relax and I need to take my own advise and do the same. I get to spend part of the day at home until my daughter's volleyball game later this afternoon. I'm hoping to get outside and enjoy the fresh air.

    Have a great week Sue.


  12. I am so glad to hear you are able to take some time for yourself. Your home is amazing and you are inspiring all of us with ideas of what we can do with our own homes.
    Your photos are wonderful.
    I hope you are able to take several day to just relax and enjoy your beautiful little grandchildren.

  13. I LOVE it when you take photos of your home! Everything in your house says so much about you! My house says "clean me" and "put all that junk up" and "vacuum the dog fur". You know...stuff like that. Kudos on getting a day off with candles! :)



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