
This & That Saturday!

My Country Roads family has been arriving back from Texas and some from Ohio & Brimfield as well. Most are waiting for the containers to get here so they can unload the "stuff" they bought. Of course Tim has been home, with his stuff (he drove his van & pulled his trailer) and he is now off to the Alameda Flea Market with Bryce. Ted and Gloria were in the other day. They had a few things they brought in, and did some major fluffing in anticipation of the containers arrival. Here are a few pixs of their freshly "fluffed" spaces!

I wonder "who" bought this cool architectural piece that just has a hint of red coming thought the white here and there? I have to admit that I definately have a love affair with architectural elements! I am truly amazed when my boy Bryce loads up for Alameda. I know I would not be able to drive up North with him. I just kept watching him load the truck with stuff getting stacked higher & higher! I would be terrified that "something" would fall off the truck on the journey to Northern CA! I remember one time he was telling me he got as far as Ventura and some woman pulled up next to him and told him he needed to pull off the freeway. Not knowing what was wrong, Bryce exited at the next off ramp. The woman pulled next to him, and the reason she flagged him over was she wanted to buy something off the truck! Pretty good making a sale before you even get to your destination. Below are a few pixs of the "loading process"!
The store looks good right now, even without the arrival of the containers. It feels like Fall everywhere at Country Roads! Today is Katie's first day back. She is only coming back three days a week, but that will definately take some of the work load off of me and give me some more Gramma time! She takes over my Wednesdays & Thursdays in another week or so. I hope some of you will stop by and see us over the week-end. The horrific heat wave is over and out temps are in the 70's! Have a great week-end!


  1. Can't wait to see the new stuff and I love the goat sign! Hope your weekend goes well. Ann

  2. I can't wait for our heat wave to pass and be in the 70's
    The store looks great as always and love the suitcases stacked to the ceiling.
    Glad to hear that you are going to get some time off and it will be some time spent with the GK
    Have a great weekend and enjoy that weather for me.

  3. I just love seeing pictures of your store!! I feel like Iam there browsing around! Take care! Rhonda

  4. Shopping in the highway gives a whole new meaning to 'shopaholic'! That is too funny!

  5. If he hadn't been in California, I would have sworn it was Mindy pulling him over!
    I missed Tim last weekend and I was so sad...sniff, sniff!
    Glad to hear everyone made it back safe and sound.
    P.S. It was wonderful seeing Gloria and Ted.

  6. lol, Mindy has pull someone over to buy stuff, more than once. That is great making a sale and lighting is load, but I wouldn't have gotten it all secured again! I love your architectural elements, too. Lezlee

  7. The spaces look great...can't wait to see the new arrivals! Hope you are having a great weekend!


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