
Halloween Past

Today is Halloween, probably the second best holiday next to Christmas for any kid! I have this on going project in my head to try and get many of my old photos of my kids when they were little scanned into my computer. This morning, because of lack of time, I only found three that I've scanned in the past. Here are a couple more of my little ones, Brande, Katie & Bryce, many years ago!
Tonight "my" three kids will all be together along with "my" three grandkids for "trick or treating" over at Katie's house. Many of you know, Katie and Vinnie bought the house I grew up in after my parents died. For me, to go trick or treating with my grandbabies in the same neighborhood I spent many Halloween's is heart warming. We always make a stop by my elementary school. Maybe will do a photo this year in front of Gramma's kindergarden classroom! Happy Halloween!


  1. What wonderful photos! What warm memories! So glad that you are scanning the photos of your kids to use on your posts! I LOVE the photo with Katie rolling her eyes! Ha! So typical of that age!

    I love Halloween too. Wish I was there to go trick or treating with you and your gang. I miss having little ones for this special night. You have fun tonight and we want to see that picture in front of your kinder classroom!

  2. Happy Halloween Sue!!! Have a great time tonight and don't eat too much junk!!!!

  3. Have tons of fun Sue! Loved the old pictures of your kids. Ann

  4. What is up with the face paint in that first one? Did you dress me up as an abused jazzercise instructor? A Ragedy Ann going to the gym? I'm so confused!!!

  5. What fun memories! Have a great time trick or treating.

  6. Brande's comment is cracking me up! My kids only had one "store-bought" costume growing up. We always just went into the bag 'o tricks and came up with one of a kind costumes. What's fun...they are doing the same with their girls!
    I love family!!!

  7. I'm going to check back later today to see if you have any pictures of last night. I bet you had so much fun going to your old school and out with your grandchildren. What a fabulous Halloween you must have had. Can't wait to see pictures!


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