
Gonna "Own It" Again!

Earlier in the year, I had written a few posts about "Owning It", which meant my getting back to the treadmill and taking better car of myself. It's all right HERE if you care to read about it again. To make a long story short, I had always ran on the treadmill. It made me feel better about myself, it was healthy, kept my weight down, and since I'm not getting any younger, taking care of myself is important. As everyone knows, I now have three little ones in my life, and they mean more to me than anything in this world! So, since Katie is back at work, and I'm not working quite so much at the store, the time has come again, for the second time this year, for me not to forget I need to "Own It"! That means getting up at the crack of dawn and hitting the treadmill hard. Before I QUIT earlier this year, which still makes me mad at myself, I was up to three miles in a bit less than 45 minutes. Today, I got up and had to go clean up my little room in the garage where my treadmill sits. The pictures below are more of the after shots than the before shots. I think the before shots would have been too frightening to view!

The garage isn't completely done yet and I need to load some more songs to my "Owning It" playlist on my ipod. But, hey. . .at least I'm going to give it another shot!!

The greatest wealth is health. ~Virgil


  1. Good for you!! I was just wondering if you were still on the treadmill, what with how busy you have been lately. My sister and I are thinking of purchasing a treadmill and it is inspirational to hear your tales of the treadmill. Thanks for sharing,

  2. Own it, girl! Buy it...rent it...lease it...make payments on it...BUT OWN IT!


  3. I too was wondering about that treadmill and if you were still on it.
    I gave up, after not being able to work out in almost 3 years, I started and failed, pulled things in areas that shouldn't be pulled. LOL so back I sit on the couch and say what was I thinking, I was feeling just fine before why did I need to try to workout now I am in pain! UGH.
    Wish you a better turnout than I had.

  4. The girls that wrote before me said it all!!!! You go, Sue!!!

  5. I think your "Own it" post was the first one of yours I ever read! Go, Sue, go!!

  6. You go girl! All you can do is make each day your best 'cuz you can't change yesterday.

  7. Good for you. I need to get back to walking. The treadmill is better but I love a little time outside...it's a gift I give myself.
    My goodness, everyone sure loves the posts I do about Country Roads.
    I think they want you to open an online store! Country Roads is the best and they all know it.
    Hope you had a great day and many thanks again for letting me visit...and shop.

  8. Good Going! It's great to have a good work out spot. I do 45 minutes Mon-Fri. It really gives you a lot of extra energy. Mary :O)


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