
White Wednesday

For this "White Wednesday" I wanted to do a post about dining room tables. With the arrival of Fall, (although here we have had a few days of extreme heat as pay back for our cool summer), I've been thinking about how many of us become more of home bodies, than in the summer months. Seems like we all tend to gather around the family dining room table more now than in other seasons. The table above, (although not white, nor are a few more in this post) is a table I've been in love with for a very long time. It is an old farm or harvest table that I bought in the early 1990's for $150! I love it, and it easily has room for eight chairs with room to add a few more on the ends! Even though this is the third house this table has sat in, she still warms my heart with those that have filled the chairs around her over the years. What I also love about this table is that it is made with the old wide planks, as you can see below. They don't make those planks these days. Right now at Country Roads we have an over abundance of tables for every style, shape and size! Here's just a few.

Please take the time to stop by Kathleen's blog for many other great "White Wednesday" posts!! Yesi was talking to me the other day about how her and her husband Victor, were sitting at the dining room table helping their little girl, Josalyn, with her homework. There is just something special about those family dining room tables of ours. It isn't about the shape or size, it is about who is sits AT the table! My table is the same, although those that have gathered around there now are not the same. But nonetheless, my table always holds the memories of those that we have lost, those that are still with us, and those that will join us in the future! "Happy White Wednesday"!


  1. That is a great selection of tables. But my favorite is in your home. That is a great one. Thanks for the tour of the shop also.....Julian

  2. Love it, I am still looking for the perfect fit to add to our home.
    This week we lay hardwood floors so we are waiting to make the final decision on the table after we see the floors down.
    I love the idea of sitting down to the table with family gathered, growing up we were not allowed to talk at the table or sit there if dinner wasn't being served. I want the table you speak of for Brooklyn to grow up with fun memories around.

  3. Goodness...I can't pick a favorite! They are each wonderful and unique! Loving all the shop treasures too!! Happy WW!

  4. Hubba Hubba ~ I have it bad for big tables. Its a good thing we are far apart cause I'd be banging down your door instead of typing right now. I just saw your post on Nate Berkus visiting Country Road - another reason to bang down that door ~ love him:)

  5. a great collection of tables but the one i like most is the first one, its scarred and old but looks so homely and so good, i even liked the dish cabinet in the background, very functional and great for storage

  6. wow, great table collection, i like all of them, very graceful and look like they have served their purpose well, sturdy looking tables and chairs, where did you collect them from???

  7. I want them all-they are all wonderful tables-I dont' think I could choose just one!

  8. I want them all-they are all wonderful tables-I dont' think I could choose just one!

  9. My dinning room table is an old tailor's table, it even has the metal measuring tape on one of the sides. I thought we weren't taking it to Argentina but my great Husband said that the table is coming with us!!! Yeah!! That means a bigger container, but that's OK!!

  10. Hi Sue, yes I hope you are keeping cool! I love all the tables especially the brown top ones and big enough to accommodate a huge famiglia.
    Happy WW ciao Rita

  11. I have a "thing" for tables. Those are some dandys for sure!
    I missed seeing Tim at Zapp. Someone told him we weren't coming. Gloria happened by on Sunday (thank goodness) and told us he was on his way back home. Still...seeing Gloria is always a treat for me. Now if I could just see you there...I'd be over the moon!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!