
Theresa's Blog Party!

So, I have some pictures here of Theresa's blog party last night. Best container above,so I hear! Melons in a bra! That one rocks and glad to hear it was a winner! Was I there? Nope, I was working my butt off at Country Roads, but I was thinking of "y'all" (my mama was from Texas so I can use this word)! Gloria was kind enough to send me these pictures. See, us California girls are wired differently than you Texas girls. We are up at the crack of dawn ready to tackle the day, and usually wind down in the evening the same way, wired. Thinking, did I get enough done today? Gloria told me she didn't get names and I re-assured her that I already knew them. I feel like I know most of "y'all" already. Here are some pictures of my favorite people, my blogging buddies, my fellow junkers and good friends!

And here's my buddy striking a pose which is no surprise to me! We all know Malisa's style and I so miss not being there to strike a pose with her!! Maybe in the Spring, a girl can dream, right? And, btw. . . Cat Daddy, your guacamole almost killed my favorite guy, Mike! Take it easy on us Californians, we are all a tad sissified!!


  1. Don't tease Sue. You better start making plans now. If you make it to Julian with the grand kids this October then anything is possible.

    Do it I know you can. I want to go in Spring, too.

  2. Ohhh...it's been two years since I was there...thanks for sharing! it is so much fun. Hopefully we'll meet in the Spring. I am making Texas a priority!
    xoxo lulu

  3. Looks like a good time was had by all!

  4. Hi Sue,
    We were there too but picture not taken.
    It was such fun. The melon container won my vote for sure.
    Very original.
    Sure wish you had come too.

  5. Gloria took some great pics of the party. We had so much fun. Next time you really need to make plans to come out, just make sure to not travel with Tim (just kidding) and leave your large amounts of cash at home, just bring your check book! Really enjoyed visiting with your CR family, they're the best.

  6. Love your pics and loved this party....it was a great experience for us Jersey girls...


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