
My Old Glider, Grandbabies & A Winner!

When I bought this old vintage glider, she came without pillows. Somehow, I knew I wanted her in my room and added some pillows for her made out of vintage fabric and I knew I wanted her to always be there. What I didn't know at the time was that she would end up rocking all three of my grandbabies to sleep. If you look very close at the picture above you can see my new grandson, Bodhi, or as I call him, "my boy Bo"! Katie had to help at Riley's pre-school today, so Bo and I had some quality time together!
This is my new grandson at ten weeks old spending some time with me today!I love baby hands.
And baby feet too!
Morgan was all into checking out her new cousin.Although she wasn't sure why he was crying? Pretty soon baby Bo was sound asleep in the old glider! The one that use to rock his sister and cousin to sleep in as well! Riley couldn't wait to kiss her little brother when she got home from school. I asked her if she would help me draw a name for the winner of her Gramme's giveaway. Riley made sure she mixed all the names up really good. And then she closed her eyes and pulled out the "winner"! It was Mary over at Boogieboard Cottage! I would have been excited for any of you to win, but was extra excited to see Riley pick Mary's name. She really understands the importance of "practicing random acts of kindness". And Mary, shoot me an email and let me know if you would like to come into Country Roads to pick up your "winnings" or have me mail it. Mary lives local. And thank you all for participating and for just remembering how important it is to "GIVE" when you can! Take care.


  1. Congratulations, Mary! And congratulation, Sue, on those precious, precious babies! Too too cute! You are SO lucky to have them so close by! I'm a jealous woman! Your boy Bo is a handsome little man, but he doesn't like Morgan messing with him! :)

  2. I guess if I had all those cute grandbabies, I wouldn't go to Warrenton either!

  3. I could lose a crop just looking at those beautiful babies. Those feet...those hands...oh mylanta...I love them! I bet you just sit sometimes on that glider smiling and remembering all the miles you've rocked.
    Congratulations to Mary. And tell Riley she did a super-duper job!

  4. what is it about baby feet??? We have Brooklyns pictured all over the house. Eatum' up!!!
    That glider is just perfect for baby rockin' and so stylish too.
    Okay I have to say I have seen a lot of giveaways done but to pull from an urn is so cool and what a cutie doin' it.
    Continue your giving spirit and lets all take something away from this, giveback, it feels good and is good for the soul

  5. Yippee!!!!!!!!Thank you, Riley for picking my name, wow, how exciting is that? Sue, Thank you for hosting a fun giveaway. Actually, if it's not too soon, I can come in tomorrow, because I was going to anyway! Charles and I attend an MTFC meeting every Tuesday just down the way from Country Roads. Our meeting gets out between 11-12pm, depending on how long eveyone talks.

    I love you glider couch and your sweet grand babies! That Bo gets cuter every week!
    Thank you Sue, take care, Mary :O)

  6. Congrats to Mary!!! We are all winners though getting to see those awesome pics of your grandbabies!! Look at Bo he is adorable. Have a great day Sue!!


  7. Congratulations to Mary, Your glider looks great! And such a sweet new Grand, love the pictures. oxoxo, Diane

  8. Congratulations Mary!!

    Oh that glider is fantastic and made even more so with the addition of all those beautiful grandchildren. Your Boy Bo is growing fast!

  9. Gorgeous babies:) I would want to rock them all to sleep on that great glider. Have fun, they grow way to quick.
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  10. Just stopping by to say "hi" and congratulations to Mary.
    Your grandchildren get cuter with each and every picture. What a joy!

  11. Your children are beautiful. Congratulations


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