
It's Gonna Get CRAZY!

Welcome to my 20th Orange International Street Faire! I'm a pro at it now! And believe me, this is a HUGE thing down here. I remember one time they estimated that they get like 100,000 visitors come down to Old Towne for this. Although the name of this event sounds like fun, it is mostly about eating and drinking! So, you can only imagine how GOOD the people watching is on this very special week-end! I took these pictures while they were setting up yesterday for their five o'clock opening! Today the streets will look NOTHING like this!! This is to the East of us, and is towards the Orange Plaza Park, which is also called the "circle". A few days ago they completely fenced the entire area off. Why? There are nice park benches and a historic fountain. The City knows very well what happens when you mix a lot of booze, heat (supposed to be about 95 today) and tooooo many people. I don't think I need to say more! This is along the side of our store. Yes, we get the trash and have the big dumpsters. But let me tell you, it is SO much better than having the portable toilets lined up. Just trust me on that one! This is also the week-end we close our world famous tiny bathroom. There is no way it can handle what is going in and coming out this week-end!! We get beat up a little bit over the fact that the public can't use the bathroom. Mostly the verbal abuse comes from the "fancy girls". The word "portable restroom" makes them squeamish! We are on "Greek Street", which means they blend with Denmark and Switzerland too. Don't even ask because I don't have a clue. In the picture is the stage for the Greek band, which is loud! It is right outside of our front door on the corner. Notice they have even covered the public trash can! The City knows too well what may show up in there! The band plays off and on ALL day and night and it does make it a bit difficult to carry on a conversation with customers or talk on the phone. But hey, it's the Street Faire!! The best part is the dance area in front of the band. Yes, I said dancing is involved. Those that truly know how to do the Greek dance they do (again, don't ask, don't know what is called) are okay to watch. But it gets better when those that do NOT know how to do the Greek dance, and those that have been drinking all day in the sun get out there and boogie for all to watch!! Hopefully tonight I will be able to post some pictures for you! Seriously, the people watching doesn't get any better than this. Take my word on this one. Hope to see some of you over the week-end. We DO have a/c but we do NOT have a bathroom, so know flip outs, please. I will end this post by saying, "it's gonna get CRAZY", wish us luck!


  1. Good luck Country Roads Crew. I went to the Street Faire one evening about 18 years ago with my one year neice in a stroller, as we manuevered(sp) down the street, feeling like salmon swimming upstream, a man carrying a full glass of beer had his elbow hit. Most of his beer landed on my sweet little neice's face sitting innocently in the stroller. We left. I attempted it again a few years ago, but first thing in the morning--much more pleasant. So I know of what you speak--hang in there--I'll keep you in my thoughts this weekend--GOOD LUCK!

  2. I detect a funny story on the horizon... Mary :O)

  3. OH LORD, I don't know how you do it.
    Good Luck, can't wait to see pics

  4. I'm sure you'll have some great story to tell after this. Hope it's a good day for y'all.


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