
The "Boys" at the Alameda Flea Market!

The one thing that I have ALWAYS made a point of at Country Roads is that DISPLAY is everything!! Seriously, you could have a pile of nothing (you know what I want to say) and if you displayed it so it is appealing to the eye, it WILL sell! What amazes me about Bryce, Tim and Lisa (sorry I left you out in the title Lisa) is that they do the same displays that they do at Country Roads in a parking lot at the Alameda Flea Market. Here are just a few of the creations they've thrown together in the chilly Bay area weather!

I KNOW how much hard work goes into pulling this off. That is why each time Bryce goes up there once a month, I eagerly wait for him to send me the photos. And just one more quick reminder, tomorrow is our BIG sale, "I Survived the Orange International Street Faire Sale"! I woke up this morning, and for a second or two as I struggled to remember what day it was, I sadly remembered. It is the last day of the Street Faire! Sadly, I have to go back and do it all over again. I also think today will be much more crazy and crowded because the temps really dropped, like almost 20 degrees! Crazy is good, I think?


  1. Their items are just freakin' amazing
    I love a good display and it is true people will stop and pay attention at a good display even with crap. But this stuff isn't crap this is awesomeness displayed.
    Oh how I wish I live closer. Not only to attend this beautiful market but to enjoy those cooler temps.
    Try to not get to CrAzY today.
    Have fun

  2. I love the photos thank you for sharing especially the boiler display. I got to meet Lisa same day I met you. Good luck with the international street fair. Are Italians considered international in your area? lol is there any around? Ciao Rita mammabellarte

  3. You are so right, display is so very important.
    It's a gift, and one which doesn't always come easily to me, alas!

    Have a wonderful Sunday and Labor Day!

  4. Display is my favorite part! Display feeds my brain! Great stuff! Wait till you see the lamps Craig worked on today! Your boy would love them!

  5. WOW... there are some really amazing pieces in their booth!! Looks like an amazing flea market... would love to have been there.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
    ~ Jo :)

  6. Great displays. I love Alameda Flea Market.
    We are hoping to visit Country Roads tomorrow...hope it's not too
    crazy in Old Towne!


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