
"Blooming" at Full Bloom Cottage!

I was lucky enough to grab a couple of days of at the beginning of the week. And when I came into "the store" yesterday morning, I was anxious to see what had been going on. My Country Roads family are always working on something to keep the store looking fresh and putting together displays and vignettes that just POP! Last time I saw Loretta (Full Bloom Cottage Loretta), she was telling me how burned she was, just burned!! Like many of us, we all work hard and there are times you do feel like you are just done with it all. You've got kids to take care of, and a thousand other things going on in your life. Apparently, Loretta is "unburned"! Check out these photos of what she has been up to lately! I was totally impressed when I walked in the door this morning!

Apparently, Loretta is "unburnt", can you tell? I've always been a believer in hard work. And the majority of dealers at Country Roads feel the same way. They are easy to pick out. I don't even have to tell you which ones, because if you too believe in hard work, you can find them very easily. I have met so many people in this business with great ideas, but they never deliver because they don't understand the biggest factor in making it all work, making it all come together, making their dreams become successful. It is simple. It is called hard work! I saw this quote below somewhere, I really liked it

Many people think they want things, but they don't really have the strength, the discipline. They are weak. I believe that you get what you want if you want it badly enough.
~Sophia Loren


  1. yes, she has been working hard. it's all lovely, thanks for the pictures.

  2. Beautiful posting and your arm chair philosphy is wonderful. You are so very right!!
    Have a great day.
    Ladybug Creek

  3. I just wish I had more shops like yours in our area. Around here the have antique malls that just put their items on a table, very little display work and there is only one shop that really does the whites like you so not much variety in the white department. I love to check in with you and see what you have done new. Great displays and stories.

  4. She puts the "S" in style. I have to click on every photo to get a better look, it's all so over the top gorgeous. If that's burned out...I'm heading to the tanning bed right now!
    Are those purses or aprons in photo 13? They are precious!

  5. Is she ever unburnt! Everything looks fabulous!

  6. Hi Sue, I love her goodies! Always beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Ciao Rita

  7. She has such a great eye and the best stuff to work with. so glad to hear you took a few days off.....hope you did something fun.

    Take care,


  8. You know what? You are absolutely right. Yet sometimes it's the simplest of things that stand out, like the big shell on the dresser. Beautiful displays.

  9. Her space always makes you just want to fall into it and stay forever!
    Chic and elegant always inviting.
    You know how I feel about the hard work too, If I want something, I work my butt of to obtain it. I don't want handouts or life made easy. Whats the fun in that, you don't get that feeling of accomplishment when it is handed to you.
    I could go on and on but I will cut myself off here. lol
    Have a great one Sue

  10. Wow ~ beautiful displays!! So inspiring!!!

  11. She has such a great sense of style. You're right about hard work, some people feel entitled and just expect everything to come to them without effort. It's rewarding to see something come together successfully that you've strived for. Thanks for all of the beautiful pictures you always share! Mary :O)

  12. Have a geat Labor Day Weekend. I'm sure my weekend will include a visit to Country Roads.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!