
White Wednesday

Hey, it's that time again for "White Wednesday"! I originally wanted to head down to the beach and do a seashore "White Wednesday" post, but never found the time. Maybe next week, I hope. So today's WW is from one of my very favorite stores, Country Roads!!

Summer is just flying by. My new grandson Bo is now almost five weeks old! How did the time go by that fast? I hope you all of a wonderful summer, or I should say what is left of it. Be sure to stop by and pay Kathleen a visit. After all, WW was all her idea and look how its grown. Take care.


  1. You always show the best pics. Your little one is just going to be walking and talking before you know it. Hope you have a great Wednesday and make it to the beach soon. I had promised myself I was going this year, but didn't make it. Maybe in the Fall I'll get the chance to go.

  2. Yep, this is the time of year that we usually have had enough of the heat and head to the beach ourselves for our yearly Laguna trip. I don't think it will happen this year, no time to getaway :(
    So you have to make it down to the beach and enjoy it for all of us that can't make it.

  3. Hey Sue, we finally got a couple of good beach days!!! Exciting!!! Better late than never, right???

  4. Boogieboard CottageAugust 11, 2010 at 9:37 AM

    Gorgeous pictures! I can't beleive Bo is 5 weeks old! Wow, Summer did fly by, didn't it? Now I have to get off my rearend and figure out how I'm going to decorate for Fall. I know I can get pleanty of ideas from bloggland and your store! Mary :O)

  5. I love that store, too. And, I've never even been there, so thanks for the tour! Lezlee

  6. Awesome store! I could move right in there and be perfectly happy! lol! Thanks for sharing all that inspiration! Happy White Wed!

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  7. Really? You like County Roads? Well, know my knickers off! :)

  8. That white metal glider is my dream glider! My Mammy had one that I just loved to rock on... outside her PINK house and the glider was the best green! Thanks for sharing, Happy WW! Theresa

  9. Crazy about that cupboard.
    I can't believe it's been 5 weeks already. Time sure flies when we're having fun...or when we're watching our g'babies grow!!

  10. Such delicious architecural eye candy you've shared with us.

    How can Bo already be that old? It goes too quickly, doesn't it.
    Hope you find some time to spoil all your grandbabies this week.

    Take care Sue,


  11. I love it when you show WW from Country Roads! I never get tired of seeing pictures of the shop!

  12. love the white glider!


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