
Roger's Gardens

When you see this postcard, which is an invitation to preview Roger's Gardens Halloween Opening, you know it's THAT time of year. Actually, Roger's as the greatest guy that shops for their displays and props. Eric is one of the nicest and easiest customers to work with ever. Actually he has had Halloween on his brain since early Spring this year! Each year I'm always so curious to see what decorating magic he performs with the merchandise he has bought from Country Roads! Seeing this truck parked at Country Roads is always a wonderful sight. We know they are at "the store" to pick up some of the great props Eric has picked out for this years Halloween "Funn & Games Toy Factory"! I really hope I can make it down for the preview night. The Halloween displays that Eric puts together are my very favorite time of the year at Roger's! I like it better than Christmas! Here is just a sneak preview of some of the CR things that are headed to Roger's for this year's Halloween displays!

I know some of the stuff that left the store is definitely not light. Most of it is industrial related so I can't wait to see what magic Eric is putting together for us all. So, off goes our CR stuff to be transpired into something awesome! As the invitation for the preview says, "you are invited to tour the Funn & Games Toy Factory". Don't know about you, but I can't wait. Fall is definitely just hanging around the corner!!


  1. Sue, if you go will you please post pics. It looks like it's going to be interesting!

  2. He selected some great mdse. Love the nail bin thingy! All has a kinda "mad scientist" vibe to it. Makes me wonder just what kind of "fun and games" he's got planned.

  3. Boogieboard CottageAugust 20, 2010 at 9:10 AM

    Oh,I can't wait....how exciting! :O) Mary

  4. That sounds AMAZING,
    do they let you take pics, if so you have to make it to the preview to share with us.
    Halloween and fall are my most favorite time of year.

  5. I just got my postcard in the mail and can't wait to go! Take care, Martha


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