
I Try To Stay Away!

I have been trying my best to stay away from one of our newer dealers, Mike Seratt's space. Why? Because he has incredible, unbelievable stuff at great prices. On Friday, one of my friends who is also a dealer, Ginny, was in. She comes up to the counter and says, "Sue, you have to see this"! So, we walk over to where Mike is working. It is this awesome vintage dressing table. Ginny is telling me how cute it would be for my little Riley and Morgan. I had to point out that there were a few problems. First, they would pull off all the vintage flowers that is on the netting. And secondly, I have NO room for anymore furniture in my house. If I buy something, that means something else has to go. This little table though is incredible. Mike has put lots of old, vintage photos under the glass which just adds to its appeal. Here are some more pictures of things I try to stay away from!

So, do you see why I try to stay away from all of this awesome stuff? I love that it's all vintage and the variety is great. If you see something you can't live without and can't make it down to the store, call us. We accept all major credit cards ;0} Also, the world of blogging amazes me. We all meet such incredible people in blogland! I'm very lucky because of Country Roads I actually get to meet a few here and there. Yesterday I got to meet the Boston Lady and her family. Actually she is from Florida and has been out her visiting her son and his girlfriend. She was so sweet and I really enjoyed chatting with her! It is so nice when you get to actually meet people from our blogs. You feel like you already know them. Please go check out her blog. You will see all the stuff we have here in Southern CA that I never get to see. Hope some of our locals have time to stop by and shop with us today. We have some great stuff right now, seriously!


  1. Boogieboard CottageAugust 8, 2010 at 9:24 AM

    I would be so tempted to buy everything if I worked there every day!
    I love the table with the photo's. I really like your post about taking Riley to the Seal Beach Pier. It's on my hit list of places to visit this Summer. Mary :O)

  2. It was such a pleasure to meet you Sue and to see the wonderful Country Road Antiques in person. It always looks absolutely beautiful through your blog, but it's something that has to be seen in person to truly appreciate it's size and the variety and beauty of the different areas. I needed a couple more hours to take it in and make bigger purchases. I will be back again one day!

  3. Okay Sue, You are making me want to hop in my truck and head to the shop right now!!!
    I want to see his new space, the pictures look so inviting.
    Maybe it is a good thing I live almost 4 hours from you, I would be BROKE if I lived any closer. LOL
    I see why you have a hard time not coming home with everything.
    Take care

  4. You know I would be digging through those photos! I have a sneaking suspicion that the table will somehow work its way into your house! :)

  5. Sue, I don't see how you could possibly contain yourself. I'd probably spend all my profit plus some if I were in your store :) Your grandbabies are just so precious too. Have a great week.

  6. Sue, I don't know how you do it every day. For me, it would be like putting a drug addict to work in a pharmacy! LOL


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