
Happy Birthday Riley!

Today is Riley's fourth birthday! My first little grandbaby. All morning I've been thinking of the line in Zach Gill's song, "Family". . ."I was there from the moment your were born, and I've loved you since I heard your first cries!" I was excited when I found out Katie and Vinnie were going to have a baby! It is one of those special "firsts" in your life. Riley took her time making her appearance. Almost a day and a half later, she made her appearance on a Saturday afternoon. I was there to help Vinnie deliver her, as Brande did the counting. Just thinking of that moment now brings tears to my eyes. I never knew how hard I would fall in love with this little girl! I'm sure some of you know what I mean. There isn't anything we wouldn't do for our little grandbabies! And the time, where have those four years gone to? Seems like just yesterday we had Riley's first birthday party at my house. A full house all singing "Happy Birthday" to our little Riley. And like all first birthday babies, she too had a few tears to shed! On Riley's second birthday we ALL went to Disneyland, the whole family! It was a great day and I remember how much fun she had. Seeing Disneyland through the eyes of a two year old makes you remember how truly magical Disneyland really is! Riley loved all the Princess' that came to wish her a Happy Birthday at lunch! On Riley's third birthday we all went to the San Diego Zoo. I hadn't been there in years and had such a wonderful time with my three year old birthday girl. She had gotten a camera for her birthday that year and LOVED taking pictures of the animals at the zoo. And we had dinner at this great little Mexican restaurant in Old Towne where the Mariachi band sang "happy birthday" to Riley!And today on my little girls fourth birthday she is now a big sister to her baby brother Bodhi. She is growing so fast, I wish I could slow down time just a little bit! We have a surprise trip planned for her tonight to Disneyland. I'm working today with the "public" and then joining the "public" for a night at Disneyland. Let's hope it is a good day at the store! Even if it isn't, I know how fortunate I am to be able to spend the time with Riley on her fourth birthday. I know not everyone gets to do that. Saturday is her big birthday party with all her little friends, the bouncy house, and all that goes with it. I read this quote somewhere and it is fresh in my head today:
"Perfect love does not come until grandchildren are born"

Guess that say it all! Happy Birthday Riley!!


  1. Happy Birthday to You...Happy Birthday to You...Happy Birthday, Dear Riley...Happy Birthday to You!

    Hugs and kisses,
    Aunt Malisa

    P.S. Riley, keep Gramma out of trouble at Disneyland. Don't let her run off with some Prince!

  2. Happy Birthday Riley!!!
    I am sitting here in tears reading your darling post this morning Sue.
    You are sooooo lucky to have your grandbabies around you it just makes me think of how hard it is for my mom not to be around Brooklyn.
    Hope your day goes by fast and your evening slows for you to enjoy it all.
    Tell one of those princess people to get their fairy godmothers out there to wave their magic wands to make sure the public plays nice today.
    Have Fun

  3. Happy birthday to sweet Riley!!!

    You have the greatest grandma!!!

    Have fun tonight Sue


  4. Somehow having kids puts the clock on fast forward. Not fair!

    A very happy birthday to Miss Riley!

  5. Happy happy birthday to your beautiful grand girl! Hope it's one of the best and y'all have a great day and "party like rock stars"!! (BTW, my son loved this comment). Have fun Sue!

  6. Happy Happpy Happy Happy Birthday Riley!!

  7. Boogieboard CottageAugust 26, 2010 at 1:16 PM

    Happy Birthday to Riley! Disneyland is the perfect place to celebrate, we go there all the time. We're going this Friday to celebrate our 17th wedding anniversary. I hope you get to see the new "Wonderful World of Color Show" at California Adventure, it's really great! Take care, Mary :O)

  8. Happy Birthday to Riley. A wonderful post about all the birthdays you've been able to share with her. Have fun at Disneyland!

  9. It is a blessing to be able to stay close to our g'babies. I'd be lost without them and I know you're worse than me! LOL
    The great thing about blogging (or at least one of the great things) is being able to share in y'alls joy on Riley's big day. I was "there" at her second(although I might have been a lurker then) and third birthdays and now...her fourth! How great is the internet for providing this connection? Love you and love your family!
    P.S. Happy Birthday sweet Riley! Do us all a favor and stay little for quite a while longer...'kay? Oh and kiss Mickey for me!

  10. She's so sweet. Make sure to take time to enjoy while they're young. I just got back from registering my oldest into High School....Yikes, not to mention the hardship on my wallet.

    Have a "magical" evening with your little princess.

    Take care,


  11. A belated Happy Birthday to Riley.
    They are both beautiful children.

  12. I recently came across your site, very nice. Keep it up.



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