
White Wednesday

This "White Wednesday" finds me running just a little behind on everything! Time just slips away these days. Anyway, sometimes the best stuff is kept behind glass, locked up and only some of us have the key to these treasures. I happen to have the key, and thought I would share some of this great stuff that is all locked up behind glass!

I love different textures. The brick you see in the background on the above photos is the back of showcase Tim built for his creations. He made a giant showcase and utilized our back wall from our late 1800's building to really bring out "the look" for all these awesome treasures. I hope you are finding some time to enjoy summer. This is the first summer I have ever worked as much as I am now. But sometimes we do what we have to do, I think? Stop by and visit Kathleen, the master mind behind "White Wednesday"! Take care.


  1. Sue, what great things, loved the coral, the bottles, and that wasp nest was my fav. You need to not work so hard and take a day just for yourself. Isn't that pool calling your name?

  2. There are some fabulous things in your pictures. I looove the bottle with crosses.

  3. You do have the key to the best stuff. I'd be in heaven to be able to work in your store and be surrounded by such beauty(without all the crazies..hahaha).

    Take some time to sit back and relax, Sue. Summer is just flying by.


  4. I hear ya lady, it has been a crazy summer and no sign of it ending.
    I am lucky to have a moment with my coffee to check in my blog.
    I am in love with those glass bottles and tims space is definitely a fav of mine, those baby shoes are so great piled and strung together.
    Hope that you can at least get a moment to enjoy your beaches this summer and relax listening to the oceans waves.
    Take Care

  5. Boogieboard CottageJuly 28, 2010 at 9:43 AM

    Thank you for showing off Tim's treasures (my favorite section of your store)I love looking in that case at all the goodies! Have a great week, Mary :O)

  6. Really great looking things here! Keep rattling that key chain! Ha! Jacqueline

  7. Wonderful post. I love the shells on the bottles. So much eye candy you can spend hours looking. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Love the large cast iron piece in last photo!


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