
What's He Up to This Week?

So, what has "my boy Bryce" been up to this week? Well, he has spent some time with "my baby Bo", his nephew, and also been quite busy at Country Roads. I will let the pictures do the talking!

It is amazing how fast the displays and inventory changes at Country Roads. Seriously, there is something new each and every day that has been brought into the store. We've had some dealers moving around and a couple of new one's moving in. I should have some pictures of the "new" looks up soon!


  1. Boogieboard CottageJuly 15, 2010 at 9:10 AM

    Your Bryce is very talented indeed! I forgot to mention on your last post about how great the pictures were of my favorite space at Country Roads, I've been busy lately thinking about the Fair. Thank you for your kind comments about my table scape! Honestly I was quite shocked to win last year, seriously the other table scapes are so beautiful, it's hard to say who will win. Mary

  2. That boy does have some mad talent.
    Isn't it great to have such an amazing artist surrounding you?
    I still love that table he did.
    Thanks so much for your comments yesterday Sue. They really mean a lot to me.
    Can't wait to see all the new there at Country Roads.
    take care

  3. Once again Bryce has given me booth envy! I love to see what he comes up with and share with my other shop girls!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!