
A Family Night

Yesterday, when it was time to close it became really trying. I don't think I am even able to write about one of our customers right now! Yes, that is how very difficult she really was and on top of it all, we got held up at the store until about 5:30 because of her need to be special. As I'm driving home, it happened again. Another damn accident! I got stuck in traffic on Friday night and couldn't believe it was happening again on a Saturday when there "should" be NO traffic! People, slow down and learn to drive! So when Katie called and wanted to know if Riley could come over to swim, I just kept thinking how tired I was. But then I realized, what better way to brighten my day than with my family! So, I'm giving you a warning. This entire post is selfishly about my family, those that fill my heart with love each day! Riley got a wetsuit at Costco yesterday and wanted to try it out in my pool. And my pool has no heater, the weather here hasn't been that warm so it was the perfect time for it. Plus, her and Morgan hadn't seen each other for awhile, so they were able to play together for a bit as well.

Little Bo slept through most of the activity, as you see him here strapped in his car seat ready to leave. I don't know how those of you that live away from your little grandbabies and family do it. There are days you probably hear us arguing with each other at Country Roads, but I have to say, we are a pretty tight little family. Brande was especially missed last night. I remember one of the times she was flying out again, Riley and I had taken her to the airport. After I dropped Brande off, Riley said, "I'm sad, I don't want Brande to go"! Brande is still out on the road with Lilith Fair and pretty soon Arcade Fire. She definitely was missed last night, that's for sure and we hope she will be home soon!!

The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works is the family. ~Lee Iacocca


  1. Boogieboard CottageJuly 25, 2010 at 8:59 AM

    What a wonderful way to salvage a challenging day! Your grand babies are so adorable and what a blessing to have such a nice close family. Take care, Mary

  2. at least your selfishness involves family! LOL!
    Too darn cute the girls swimming and playing.
    and look at all that hair on baby Bo
    so beautiful.
    I am glad your stressful day ended with family time, it always makes everything feel better.
    I am nervous about being able to handle the public once opening my shop up. I have been away from the public a little too long and my fuse is short. How do you handle it...

  3. Family time is the best time. I'm sorry your day at the shop had to end on a down note but you definitely rebounded nicely with quality family time! That wasn't a selfish family post at all....it was a wonderful post about what's really important.
    Have a great Sunday.

  4. Amen, amen! Now that Morgan is up and walking around, she and Riley will have so much fun! I am so glad that you got to spend some quality time with your beautiful family! You know that Brande is missing you as much as you are missing her! The good news for you is that Brande always returns home! You are right...it is tough for those of us who only get to see our kids and grandkids a couple of times a year!
    The only thing I know you can do about the traffic in LA is to move! Texas traffic is just waiting on you!


  5. Sue- I sure do miss My daughter and 2 grand babies that are in Utah right now, my heart feels very heavy when I think about them so far away. I am happy and a bit jealous you get to have everyone so close. oxox, Diane

  6. Truer words were never spoken. It's so nice to have a loving family to come home to. You're triple blessed by those beautiful babies....and that pool!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!