
Crazy Hot Saturday

Yesterday was a really crazy, hot Saturday. Even with the a/c on in the store it was 85 degrees inside!! One thing I've learned on days like yesterday, do NOT eat sushi for lunch. After work yesterday I went to Azul's birthday party. He just turned three years old. Where does the time go. Actually the park was much nicer than I expected and there was a breeze which felt great!! Below are a few of my favorite pictures of the celebration!

I say it all the time, but my Country Roads family truly is MY family! We not only work together, we play and celebrate special occassions together as well. And today, the temp is going down and supposed to continue each day afterwards! So, I hope you find some time to stop by the store. We have had some moving around and some new dealers that we've just added to our ever growing family. I'll have some pictures tomorrow of some of the new looks here at Country Roads.


  1. my motto is never eat sushi anytime.
    Glad you are having fun in your heat wave, now if it would break here we could all be happy:(
    Take care

  2. Boogieboard CottageJuly 18, 2010 at 3:19 PM

    It looks like everyone had a very nice time. It really did cool down today, I was happy to open the kitchen window this morning and have a cool breeze hit me in the face. :O)I really do need to visit your store soon, so I can get a Country Roads fix! I'd like to post a few more pictures of it on my blog, it that's ok? Take care, Mary


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!