
White Wednesday

For this "White Wednesday" I wanted to share part of my vintage children's collection. I love to collect vintage things that baby's or little kids use to play with. The thought of their tiny hands touching all these objects just warms my heart. I did also try to pick more of the "white" or lighter colored things since after all it is Kathleen's now famous "White Wednesday". I also chose baby things for one other special reason. I have "baby on the brain" right now. My daughter Katie is pregnant with my "little man" and I have a feeling he is going to be born sooner than his due date of July 22nd! I'm planning on the 4th of July! After all, Country Roads is closed that day, so we won't have to worry about putting a crew together. Also, I apologize for the photos. I've been sick with the flu, and just now getting back on my feet and gave my camera to my boy Bryce to take pictures at Country Roads today. So, below are some dark, not so clear photos from my iphone!

Hope each and everyone of you have a wonderful "White Wednesday" and be sure to stop by and visit Kathleen and all the others that participate. And keep your fingers crossed that my "little man" greets us all on the 4th of July!! He is already 7lbs and 2oz according to the doc!! I already have two beautiful little granddaughters, Riley & Morgan, so we need a few good men in our family!


  1. How exciting for you and your family! We have no grandbabies yet but that's ok.
    Enjoyed the childrens things!

  2. Hey Sue, sorry to hear you've been under the weather. Hope you are better now. I too love children's things, these items are usually so unique and even sometimes rare to find. Happy WW!

  3. Howdy Sue! I hope things go well with your little man no matter when he makes his mind up to arrive! I love vintage baby things too--Best to you, Jacqueline

  4. Tell Bryce he did a great job. He's hired!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  5. Oh that is my Moms B-day, it does sound like he is going to come early, lets keep our fingers crossed for you and Katie all goes well.
    I just love your collection of vintage baby items. The little cups are my fav. I too am drawn to the child collectibles. I just let a ton of mine go when I redid my studio, I held on to it until I was sure I was bringing home a boy. Now with no chance of ever having a girl I let my items go, most were pink and girly.
    Thanks for the well wishes, it has been a long night for Rudy up with B. but temp is still down, YAY.
    Hope you are still feeling good.
    Sending well wishes your way too!

  6. Such sweet, sweet things. You know...Bella was due on the 4th, but we all know how that turned out. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed you are right. Feed her something spicy...that'll do the trick!

  7. Let's hope for a healthy 4th of July baby boy!!!

  8. I find myself buying vintage baby things for absolutely no reason! They are simply irresistible!

    Hurry up,"Bubba"! Hurry up and get here! We need a new boy to play with!

  9. You have a lovely collection of vintage kid items. I hope you are feeling better and will say a special prayer for that wonderful new baby boy to come your way soon.

    Take it easy.


  10. Great Post ~ Hope Your on the Mend & Bryce did a great Job, the photos Look "Vintage" so nothing wrong with that.... My Little Grandson "Miller" is almost 10 months old, He has 2 older Sisters, so a Little Guy is Great..... will be watching over the Holiday Weekend for a Birth Announcement ~ Happy 4th!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!