
White Wednesday

It's almost "officially" summer. A time to kick back and relax and enjoy the simple things in life. And how could we not include the enjoyment of the simplicity of "White Wednesday" and all its many ways to enjoy our favorite vintage whites! Here are a few of my favorite "whites" that I enjoy at Country Roads.

I love to get lost in all there is to see at Country Roads! She never lets me down. And speaking of never being let down, be sure to stop by and visit Kathleen, the one that started "White Wednesday". She always has something awesome to share!


  1. Oh, how i wish i could come do some *me* shopping...love that chippy cabinet with the drawers...I know I *need* that! GREAT whites today!
    As shop gal to shop gal...I have a ?...are the neutrals...the tattered book with no cover look just getting going there or has it had its peak? I'm in ID and we follow (very slowly) your (CA) lead!

  2. Man I love the stuff in your shop! I always have to go north when I fly in to L.A. But I'm just gonna HAVE to get to your shop one of these days. Great post--Jacqueline

  3. Okay ~ someones pullin' my leg. I just love your Crowned Planter - so much so, that I have one on my WW post as well - Your place looks amazing - I have to get there. Im going back to stare at the photos more - the planter threw me of:)

  4. So many beautiful whites, but I think my favorite is that big card catalog! I would love to have one of those, and fill it up with all kinds of junk!
    Happy White Wednesday!

  5. I just go Ga-Ga when I see the pictures of your beautiful store! I see that you included pictures of my favorite space too. Mary :O)

  6. Hi Sue, The shop is looking great! What a nice selection of vintage white goodies. Thanks for stopping by. Have a good week and enjoy that case of corona....Julian

  7. Were you beginning to think I had run off and joined the circus?
    Wonderful whites...love the file cabinet!
    I'll be better about visiting again so keep a Corona cold for me!

  8. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Tim and Lisa's booth.
    I wish I would have been there before they went to farm chicks to see even more of their delightful goodies.
    I can't wait to post about everything I picked up!

  9. I love, love, love the old 'bathing caps' ..I have not seen one for years and had forgotten about them ..I wish I had kept the one I had with the rubber flower on the side. :^)
    Hugz ..Betty


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