
White Wednesday

Happy "White Wednesday" and happy June!! That means summer and its carefree flip flop days are just around the corner. I love summer, mostly because it just seems so laid back and carefree. But, with the beach only being a ten minute drive from my home, that is why I probably enjoy it more than some of you. Pictured above is some of Lori Gutierrez's art! She is such a talented person, I always love to stop by her space and see what's new! And below are some more of my Country Roads family's "whites". I always appreciate the variety we have.

Don't ever forget to go visit Kathleen for her always great "White Wednesday" posts and the list of many, many other great blogs to visit. I hope this summer brings us all those carefree days we enjoyed as kids. I know I'm planning on enjoying mine with the grandkids this year, can't wait! Take care.


  1. So many wonderful whites to choose from!! Happy White Wednesday!

  2. it's in the upper 90's here headed towards triple digits...love your whites..

  3. Boogieboard CottageJune 2, 2010 at 8:59 AM

    Ahhhh....I love getting my fix of Country Roads from the comfort of my living room! :O)Mary

  4. I will never get tired of seeing all your great eye candy. That brick wall always draws my attention. Such an awesome backdrop.

    Enjoy the sun and beach. Pouring and high's in the 50's again her today...sigh!


  5. Morning Sue,
    I miss the days of feeling a carefree summer. I think that is why we escape from this place to vacation in Laguna every year, trying to get that summer vacation carefree feeling.
    It feels like heaven compared to the hell in which we live.
    I am taking measurements for doors in the house, so want to come home with some from your shop.
    Getting very excited!!

  6. Wetting my pants over your offerings again! I'd be broke all the time if I lived in your vicinity.Happy WW! JQ

  7. So many great treasures to look at today Sue. Thank You for stopping by today. Have a good day....Julian

  8. Hey Sue,

    Thanks for leaving the dog beach suggestion in my comments. I've passed the info on to Stanley's owners. I hope to stop by your shop and explore the area more fully when I make my return out there in August. Your pictures just make my mouth water and I want to visit your store so badly - I promise I will be a "nice" customer.


  9. Your store looks wonderful. When I next come your way I plan to stop in.

  10. I was there today and I'm happy to report that Country Roads is the place to shop and the place to sell!!!

  11. Sue,
    Our magical place is sure beautiful isn't it! So much wonder for the eyes to see. I did a special post about the magical place.

    Have a great week and see you soon


  12. So many beautiful stuffs to discover in your blog. I have a great time visiting. Happy blogging!

    Outsourcing call centers

  13. I would love to visit your shop! So many goodies to be found inside, and I was looking at an older post and I see that there are great things waiting on the outside too!
    You're so lucky to live so close to the beach. I think I would be there every single day!
    Happy WW!

  14. It is amazing how you can take photos every week and everything looks different! Dedicated dealers! Cool owner!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!