
MIA at the Baby Shower

Yesterday was a first for me! I've never had a baby shower or any party at my house that I had to miss! I am one of these people that are never sick. Seriously, I'm blessed with good health. So, I was beyond shock when I woke up yesterday morning with I'm assuming "the flu". First, I just felt like crap. Too weak to finish my shower, then the whole throwing up mess started. Finally, I somehow managed to drive myself down to Brande's apartment at the beach. She is out on tour right now with Lilith Faire in Canada. I kid you now, I barely made it up the stairs and that was IT for the day. Stayed in bed all day, and all night and finally came back this morning. I left my camera, but no one used it during the day, so this is all I found on it this morning. At least I know my Country Roads babies were there!

I did find these cute notes all over "my stuff" this morning when I dragged my sick butt in the house. So, I know some of those who stopped by.

I'm hoping anyone else who "may" have taken photos will email them too me! Thank "whomever" came for coming and thanks Katie, Vinnie, Carol and Yesi for cleaning up. I SO appreciate it. For me, I guess its back to bed! I don't do well with not doing anything, I'm too antsy! Guess my body is giving me NO choice. And "happy birthday" and I'm so sorry for missing your birthday party today. Just another thing I really wanted to do, but physically can't. Did I tell you I HATE being sick?


  1. I had my fingers crossed for you but i guess it didn't work. So sorry to hear that you got so sick. Especially in the summer, ugh.
    Now go rest and sleep, I am sure you were missed.
    PS-Katie looks so happy!

    Take care

  2. I hopeyou feel much better soon. Have a better Sunday....Julian

  3. Sue, I'm so sorry you got so sick and had to miss out on the party. I'm sure pictures were taken and we all look forward to seeing them, especially you! Feel better very soon!

  4. Sue
    So sdrry that you were so sick, I saw Katie today and she said everything was so nice. Rest up we miss you!!!!!

    Take care

  5. The timing was lousy but it probably meant you needed some downtime. Be well soon!

  6. Oh Sue, we really missed you, sorry you couldn't be there. We had a good time and I certainly enjoyed your chili!!!! Out of this world and so much healthier. Please, when you feel better, post the recipe!! Hugs!


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