
A Few of My Favorite Things

As you can tell my the tardiness of my daily post, I am having an extremely busy day off with a thousand things going on at once. I worked the past three days, and I'm trying to get caught up with paperwork and play with Riley, who is hanging out with me today! I took some of these pictures yesterday at "Roads" while working. Hope you enjoy them.

Be sure to stop by tomorrow for "White Wednesday"! See you then.


  1. I love your pictures! I keep forgetting to post for White Wednesday, like you, I too have a millions things going on at one time. I do love White Wednesday though and maybe next week I'll get it together! Take care, Mary

  2. I don't know how you keep all the balls up in the air, Sue, but you do. I so look forward to seeing your shop when we are in your area in August. Now, my dilema is, do I admit who I am before or after I use your bathroom?

  3. I think it would be a dream to have a booth down there. Maybe someday! :-)


  4. Great photos, thanks for sharing! I love looking at stuff from your store!

  5. Hi Sue ~ Love the Treasures, I finally got my cord & was able to post my Studio Photos ~ Better Late than Never, I Hope.... Have a Great Week, see you on W.W.

  6. Uh oh...busy day at home...don't like the sound of that! Glad Riley is keeping you "company"! Enjoyed your photos. Will chat with you tonight...when you have time, let me know!


  7. there must be something in the air today. It seems everyone including myself are running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
    I just have a minute to check in before heading out again.
    So funny, I think I almost came home with that flag, but my sister was rushing me and I put it down. POO, it would have looked great hanging on the front porch.
    hope the craziness of this day calms down so you can enjoy your time with Riley.

  8. So I was hanging out today at your STORE:) and having much fun looking at all of the wonder that Country Roads has for us. delightful it is. You all are such amazing people I am truly blessed. Enjoy your week and those precious grandbabies.

    Take care


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!