
The Adventures of Darcy & Dawn!

Darcy, and her sister Dawn, just got back from a buying trip back East. They flew to Pittsburgh to see Dawn's daughter, Nicole, graduate with honors! Then they did some shopping, and then the best part, they drove back across the US to here, in Long Beach! I can only imagine some of the good times those two sisters had. From what I understand, the first night out, Darcy fell in the bathroom. And nope, she hadn't even had a drink yet! As Dawn told me the story of the "fall", I could see the fear in her eyes. She had a vision she was going to have to run out of the hotel room, flag down an ambulance and have her sister air lifted to emergency! During the fall, Darcy somehow managed to "break" the toilet as well. I still don't understand how "that" happened! But, Darcy being Darcy, recovered pretty quickly, and they were back on the highway the next morning. Darcy has a great eye for buying, and displaying comes natural to her. Below are a few pictures of what is "just in" at Country Roads courtesy of Darcy with the assistance of Dawn!

I haven't heard the complete story of the adventures of Darcy and Dawn as they drove home from the East coast, but I have a feeling there are going to be some good stories to share! I only have bits and pieces, but you know, inquiring minds really want to know the inside scoop! And you have to come check out some of the great stuff above, it IS pretty cool and I know it will also SELL pretty fast!!


  1. Oh my...sounds like there was quite an adventure... fall and all!
    Love the pictures.
    Have a great day.
    Ladybug Creek

  2. Wow, they have some great stuff! Have a great week.

  3. Poor Darcy! Thank goodness she is alright. Does sound a bit like a comedy though with the broken toilet:)

  4. That Darcy! I like how you said that Darcy hadn't even had a drink...yet! Ha! Looks like they found some awesome stuff though!

    National Inquirer...page two!

  5. Well, I know I want to know more.... Love the stuff they trekked across the country with. Hope I can see some of it in person when I return to your neck of the woods in early August. We will be staying in Seal Beach the weekend of Aug6. How far are you from there?

  6. Looks like they found some great primitives. What a fun trip that would be.


  7. Wonderful finds!
    But poor Darcy!


  8. I am catching up on all the posts I have missed since being on vacation and this is a great one!
    I had to laugh but I am glad she is okay.
    I am just picturing water gushing out into the hallway from a broken toilet and panic setting in.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!