
"Whoo-Whoo's On Fire"

By the picture above, you have to know what day yesterday was. . ."BSC" Sunday!! The past couple of weeks our Sundays have been nice, they have been mellow and I was beginning to think those "BSC" Sundays of the past were gone! Sadly, they made up for lost time yesterday. Maybe it was the big, bright full moon, maybe the "BSC" customers have been gone for awhile, I'm just not sure. The day started with a big furniture pick-up and two men just watched as Carol & Yesi struggled with carrying out big pieces of furniture. While this was going on, I think all bathrooms in Orange County must have been broken. Everyone, and I mean "everyone" needed to use the bathroom!! After a report we were out of toilet paper, and Carol went to get some, she noticed a box of Clorox Disinfective Wipes was open. You know the wipes you use to wipe down sinks, a toilet seat, etc? Well, our customers decided to wipe their "whoo-whoo's" with these. Now think about, don't you think that just might set a few "whoo-whoo's" on fire? When I was a kid, my dad always called our crouch area "whoo-whoo's"! I have NO reason why, and actually had forgotten about that until a couple of years. So, yesterday was a day of shoppers with "whoo-whoo's" on fire. Maybe that contributed to their mean and ugly attitudes. Then I watched this guy take the bathroom key three times. After the third time, he approached me to report that there we NO paper towels in the bathroom! I just looked at him and said, "there are NO paper towels in the ENTIRE store", which was true. Wouldn't it be nice if the City of Orange actually had public bathrooms? Just saying! I seriously could go on and on about all the "BSC" customers yesterday! It was like a bus just stopped at the store and let set them free. Then towards the end of the day, I'm starting to walk down the aisle when I see him! I was almost blinded by the sight. This man, who probably at one point in his life should have had braces appears before me. His shorts were plaid, his shirt was a tropical print, white socks with stripes on the top and loafers!! Do people ever actually look in a mirror. Then he begins to talk which is even worse than his appearance. He asks me if that picture above is "of somebody". I am trying to be polite and say, "somebody who"??? Then I believe he said, "you know an Eisenhower". At that point, I just shook my head, and said "sorry, not a clue" and ran away as fast as I could. So, with all that said, it was a rough "BSC" Sunday yesterday, especially with people running around with their "whoo-whoo's" on fire!!


  1. Haha! You can't say it's a boring job!

  2. this makes me hurt just to read.
    People never cease to amaze!

  3. That is a verry funny post today Sue. Thanks for the laughs. Now I just got to get ready for work. But after reading your story today I have no problrm going in today. Have a good week....Julian

  4. So many things have crossed my mind while I read this post...but I'll keep it clean just in case....

    Hope the week starts much better than the way it ended!

  5. Sue amor, thank you for making me laugh so today...I will have to use this next time I have a bad day...I will just yell Whoo- Whoo's on Fire :) so much better than some of the other things that sometimes sneak out of my potty mouth :) lol Have a great week! Besos, Rose

  6. Oh, gosh, you painted the best visual picture in my mind!!! Burning whoo whoos and crazy men! Maybe you and your staff should do an advertisement for Clorox! I will help you write it! This could be fun!

  7. COULDN'T STOP LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad I stopped in. Jacqueline


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