
White Wednesday

"Happy White Wednesday" to every one of you. Hard to believe that Memorial week-end is just a few days away. You know, the week-end that is the "kick-off" for Summer! Time, oh where oh where does it go? This week I have a little bit of "this", accompanied by a little bit of "that"! And that my friends, is why I love Country Roads. All the variety, the shapes, textures, styles, and time periods. They always catch my eye!

Be sure to make some time to go visit Kathleen!Her blog is one of my favorites, and I love looking at the list of "White Wednesday" posts. I'll see you all next week, in June! Happy WW!!


  1. love it...have a great "kick off to summer" weekend...

  2. There you go showing us all this chippy white loveliness and makes me want to come to your shop so bad! I really wish I could. Have a great day my friend.

  3. Your pictures make me just about break out in HIVES! Love that stuff. You've got a great shop. Great post. JQ

  4. Oh awesome eye candy... wow. enjoyed my visit. Looks like wire baskets "industrial" and clock faces are IN for this summer...
    Love the Waverly floral patterns in there. lovely reds!
    Thanks for sharing such lovliness!!!

  5. Oh I can't wait, 2 more weeks til I get to my shopping spree at country roads. with these pictures I am getting more excited by the day to see all the new stuff in the shop.
    Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend Sue!

  6. The store looks wonderful as always.
    I will stop in to visit on our trip to CA. next year the week before Christmas.

  7. Wow Sue you really can work the demo camera:))) Great shots for the WW post. Some of these items I have not seen and yet I was there yesterday, guess I'll be heading back today I want to take a closer look. Woo hoo kick off weekend. See you soon

    Take care

  8. Beautiful! I just painted my outdoor chairs white. I wondered what I would do when they weather. I think I love the way your have weathered. They are gorgeous!

  9. I always love all your "this and that's". Can you believe it's already Memorial Day weekend. You sure wouldn't think so with the weather we've been having. All week has been rainy and highs in the 50's. Brrrrr. It feels more like Fall. I wish I could come down and visit with you and warm up a bit.

    Send some sunshine my way.


  10. I absolutely love looking at your shop photos!!! Always beautiful, always inspiring!

  11. No, I am not! I know what you are thinking right now...but I'm not! Forget it! :)


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!