
Time For A Quickie

I think I have a combination of both my computer and AOL sucking which means I only have time for a quickie! Actually, I really don't even have time for that, but if it was a different kind of "quickie", well? Okay, back to this post. Below are some awesome pictures that I totally lifted off Loretta's blog.I hope you have some time to go visit her blog, it is truly beautiful. And since she is a dealer in my store, and puts together such awesome displays, I didn't think she would mind if I "borrowed" these photos!

I'm getting ready to head out the door to go to "the store"! I'm hoping for a nice week-end, but then again that might be boring!! I running a bit late this morning, because that is just what I was doing, "running"! I'm still "owning it", and hitting the treadmill hard these days. I'm up to three miles, and I know for some of you that isn't a big deal, but for me, it is another mark as one day I would really like to be able to do five. And you know what, it may take me awhile, but one day I "will" be able to run five miles on my good ole treadmill. Hope you have some time to come see us this week-end. I've already given you a "peek show" above. Have a wonderful Saturday!!


  1. How pretty! I really loooove that tablecloth.

  2. How Beautiful !! I really see alot of things I want in these photos !! maybe I will be by in a bit !! Hoping your day is uneventful and just plain and simply happy ~
    hugs ~tanza~

  3. I will be stopping by Friday before heading over to the CRESCHENDo bash Friday night. I can hardly wait.

    I grew up in Orange (I live in Vista now) and love any chance I get to go back. Its been a while.


  4. Hi Sue, Sorry to hear about your computer and aol. Hope it gets worked out soon....Julian

  5. Love love love her booth! I need and want the table cloth....now going back on the QUICKIE....what happened to your computer? Have a great Sunday. Ciao Rita mammabellarte

  6. I always have time for a quickie when it's this satisfying! Beautiful space. What a talent and what unique things.

  7. This was an awesome quickie!!!
    Loretta has a beautiful booth!!!

  8. I just tried visiting Loretta's blog, but couldn't get to it through your link :(

    When you get time for another quickie can you put another link to her? I would love to visit her blog.

    Hope you are having an OOOH LA LA weekend!!!

  9. Congrats on 3 miles...keep up the good work. I need a little motivation. Photos are fabulous!

  10. Awesome, awesome displays! When I come to visit the store, I am gonna try to finish my fudge dipped ice cream cone before I come into Loretta's space! ;)


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