
Spring Went Nuts!

We have had a lot of rain here this year. Usually in SoCal, we aren't use to wet weather, and we moan and complain. Believe me, I did my share of it! My garden, on the other hand, went totally nuts!! I never got a chance earlier in the year to dead head the roses, prune the rest of the garden and all the other maintenance "good" gardeners do each year. With all that said, below is what happens with rain and Mother Nature at work. I never had even had a chance to plant anything new this year!

Even my containers that sit on cement in my driveway went nuts! I've never had snapdragons come back, especially in a container. There is a front lawn at my house with actuall grass! It still gets mowed and the kids can play on it, you just can't see it in these pictures and believe me, it's not huge! I am always SO jealous of those of you that have all the land to have great gardens on. I have more of a postage stamp sized lot, but hey, it's home and thankfully I can still have a garden! Brande has promised as a Mother's Day gift she will help me gain a bit of control with my garden that went nuts!!


  1. Gardens gone wild...looks good...pretty flowers...

  2. OH, MY GOSH! Your gardens are amazing! I am jealous, girl! Really jealous! I can't imagine having all that beauty in my yard! Just fantabulous!

  3. Besides spring and all this rain driving my allergies CRAZY it has the same going on in our once dead garden, all of the sudden things are coming up green that we forgot about.
    Funny how nature works.

  4. It's earlier in MD but this post shows me for sure that I need color - take a look at my post today if you would and let me know if you have any tips for me,Jennifer jennsthreegraces love love your hollyhocks!!!

  5. Oh your garden is loving the balance - sun & rain! It's exploding! I love your little antique sign picture.

  6. The garden look's great. I luv the hollyhocks. So many flowers blooming at once. Have fun gardening....Julian

  7. Sue,
    I too love the hollyhocks and every thing looks fabulous. Hope that you are enjoying your time away from us:))) What a terrific Mother's day gift that will be for you. Take care


  8. Even I got flowers this year...now, that's a miracle!!!! LOL!!


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